Bike rallies a thing of the past ?

33 Posts | Latest reply on 16/02/2020 23:12:56 by TigerH | Go to original / last post
Bikeabill's Profile

In: Hull /Hessle
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I still think biker rally's should be for bikers, no bike no ticket unless disabled, there are plenty of music festival for none bikers to go to                                                                                                                                                                             
Lindsay's Profile

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Thanks Bill, I take it that I won't see you again then, as I'm not a biker/don't ride/don't have a bike! Enjoy your rally season. 👍🏻

Am I allowed to still go up to Squires, or am I barred from there too? 🤔

Come to think of it, what about being on here? 🙄
Does my profile need marking as a "non biker" or "lifestyle biker" with a big black cross on it?!

*Updated my profile "lifestyle biker" so no confusion is caused by alluding to be a 'biker'.
JP's Profile

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Simple there are Bike rallys which are old school no bike no entry maybe a club and disabled ticket system where a club or group could have a van ticket so all the bikes could travel up with just rider and pilly collect there gear from the van/car and driver and any disabled passenger can then camp with them but the van must be off the field or in a corner unless for disability reasons. Then you have festival rallys like Rock and Bike where they don't give a toss as long as you have a ticket and if you don't they will sell you 1 on the gate and charge you to park your car. Bill you were at Squires last year the Bike field was empty, I will not bother going until they are a bike rally, Even the German chapter didn't bother to turn up that in its self speaks volumes. As for the theft element simple answer is no car no where to hide all the cards and other valuables they take.
Lindsay's Profile

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JP, the thefts that took place at a few MAG rallies a couple of years ago were carried out by thieves arriving on BIKES, not in cars!

It's simple, days of olde have gone, we now live in a society that has a quickly waning moral code and there has been an increase in the petty criminal element who have unfortunately encroached into the rally scene. That should not be put at the door of the "non bikers".

Just because I (& others) have used our cars on a couple of occasions to get to a rally and, as you have personal knowledge of, have either pegged a ride in through the gate or indeed parked onsite. Tickets purchased legitimately, not begged from organisers or mates! That should not exclude me (or anyone else) from attending nor should it allude to possibilities of any criminal activity.

Whatever happened to common sense, if it's valuable don't take it or keep it on you?

'Nuff sed.
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Linzey, My comment was an observation. Each to there own l really do not want to be in any way offensive. Like you say Linz, you do ride if only pillion, but you do ride...and integrating family life with the sport is always a challenge so well done for that. I am lucky in that my primary form of transport is a motorcylce, second is a bicycle(no lycra) it is with a heavy heart that l get into a four wheeled sometimes there is little option. Open apology to anyone offended by my opinions.
JP's Profile

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Linz can you prove that they were on bikes ? You seem to be very argumentative about this and as others have said it is our opinion that a bike rally is a bike rally. Yes BM rally we let cars on that was discussed by the events team and agreed by them so all bm members could attend if they wished. Nobody is saying you should not go to rallys all they are saying is cars are becoming more common place at rallys and some don't agree with that happening. I have seen 1st hand so called bikers turning up at bike meets parking there car down the road opening the boot and getting there helmet out and walking up the road in 1 piece leathers ffs .
Double six's Profile
Double six

In: South Kirkby
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I too have witnessed Mr and Mrs Goldwing turn up to the BMF rally in the 80's in a car, alight from said car wearing colour matched, two piece leathers, retrieve colour matched helmets from the boot and walk like bad asses into the main area. They seemed to be oblivious to the ridicule they drew from everyone they passed. It is not a new phenomenon by any stretch of the imagination.
Back in the 70's, it is alleged that the local bike gang from my stomping ground turned up to a rally on a pushbike, six hairy arsed bikers from the filthy few balanced precariously on a bicycle with dubious brakes a possibly flat tyres. Other members followed on bikes and a van containing the ''cyclists'' bikes and tents.
There are some members on here who endorse MAG for their lobby in government, that said, they can't survive solely on membership fees in order to continue the work they do, therefore I assume the reason to allow not just bikes into their events, is a financial one. Cake and eating springs to mind.
I have attended rallies put on by MAG and 3 of the 5 BM rallies as well as events put on by clubs not associated by either, for the most part, I have had a good time at all of them except for the last one in Ireland put on by the Druids. An element of European bikers seemed intent on distrupting proceedings by revving engines until the motors are bouncing off the rev limiters and flicking the kill switch to cause backfiring. We were not the only ones who left a day early.
I am not a rabid rally fan and didn't attend my first rally until 8 years ago. Much to my expectations, when you've done one rally, you've pretty much done them all. The format of, turn up, pitch tent, chill for a bit then go to the marquees to drink copiously and listen to bands ending the evening consuming high priced fast food of dubious quality and slope off to bed. Arise sometime Saturday morning, drink coffee, eat bacon butties and lounge around until it's time to view the bike competition. Stroll around the same market stalls that seem to frequent the same events every year until it is time to repeat the previous evenings entertainment. Get up sunday morning and break camp, load bike up and bugger off home, hopefully not getting a stop by the bobbies down the road looking for those who partied a bit too hard the night before.
In conclusion, my advice is to arrange a camping weekend with a group of mates/friends preferably close to a beach/pub/town centre for the necessary food, beer and chance to indulge in silly games such as kite flying curtesy of BJ and the midland mafia (haven't used that term for a long time). Alternative forms of entertainment can be gained by watching JP assemble a BBQ pit, hours of fun to be had in that pastime. In the end it is down to the individual to choose how they attend any event.
Lindsay's Profile

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I've done that with helmet and bike gear when meeting folk for rideouts. Also when rallying, if camping gear had been taken in prior to my arrival. It makes sense to have your bike gear on rather than carry it.

Just giving my thoughts and asking for clarification on the terms used such as "non biker" and "lifestyle biker". Also pointing out that the majority of 'bikers' do actually drive as well as ride.

As for proof, conversation with friends who were involved with the incidents and discussions as to how it is impossible to stop thieves getting in to any event. After all if someone wants to steal something they ain't gonna wear a balaclava, a stripey jumper and be carrying a bag with 'SWAG' written on it.
Double six's Profile
Double six

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I support what you said earlier Linz, if it is valuable then keep it on your person at all times, if it is too cumbersome to carry around you need to ask yourself, ''do I really need this at a rally?'', and no, I never saw Bill Sykes at a rally either.
Phones can be carried in pockets as can wallets/purses, leaving money in a tent is asking for trouble. Tablets in my opinion aren't essential to the experience and quite frankly, anyone wishing to flaunt the family jewels should know better.
I always carried the most valuable things on my person knowing that I would not be drinking myself into a stupor, that way my bike keys never went astray and my money was always under my control. I have seen the state some people get themselves in at rallies, one female BMer comes to mind but to spare her blushes I will not divulge her identity, fortunately I never saw anyone get taken advantage of as a result of their excesses, because they were in a group.
Rallies are generally held in fields and if you expect to look as if you are going to dinner at the Ritz then perhaps you are in the wrong place. A good rule of thumb that I always had was, if you don't want it ruined by mud, rain or someone turning your tent over while you are away from it or worse still, being stolen, then don't take it with you.
Bikeabill's Profile

In: Hull /Hessle
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Well I'm going to a biker event this weekend in my car, I've also been to plenty of events in my van does that mean I'm not a biker. Lindsay it up to you to decide if you're a biker, you've been to events on bike you've had lifts in and I've no doubt you could get a lift in on a bike in the future so you tell me, are you a biker??
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This is a hard one ... I'm old school and have always believed rallies should be bikes only ... I have had a brake from rallies for about 10 years as I had 3 kids and am now just going to them again . I have noticed the change ... I dont think its all bed , I miss the car smash silly have a etc, but they are still fun .. I will never get my head around all the blokes in fancy dress though ! .. Times change and I actually went to NABD last year in the car , as tge buje was ifc the road .I felt like a fish out of water lol , but glad I could still go
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Wow...a controversial subject it seems ! There are correct observations on all sides..l was at the first Bulldog bash. The ONLY car on site was a black painted leyland princess with the roof cut off & 4 members of the angels, suitably equipped,
who circulated the site and policed the activities..l think the more mature members on here, having ridden thro the 70's & 80's will have a biased view...l stopped going to the Bulldog when the overpaid suits in the office were excited to be going..not even a pushbike between them..slight hypocrisy..a henious
TigerH's Profile

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I too believe that rallies should be for bikes only. However, there are two problems. The first is that we're all getting old - most drugs come in dosette boxes rather than tobacco tins. We need decent beds or heaters or electricity for the kettle to fill the hot water bottle. My club regularly gets requests for camper vans, etc. at our rally. The second problem is that the youth can't afford to get a full bike license with the latest training requirements so the clubs struggle to recruit youngsters to replace/balance us old farts. Too many people expect better quality camping and more of a 'festival experience'. My club struggles with these competing requirements and values. However, we will never give up the silly games (figure-of-eight moped racing, anyone?) or the rally virgins 'grunge pot's at our rally!

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