Ha! Blame an overdose of Judge Judy when I was nursing a bad shoulder last year .....or was it the year before??
anyhoo, I digress!
Evidence, evidence, evidence!!!
You've worked damned hard for what you have and so need to protect it. It doesn't matter whether this lad is a close relative or total stranger, tangible evidence is needed, Just in case!
I'd note the lads details and even take his photo for I.D (he's only just moved in, so is he known in the area or not?) - if he's a good'un, he won't mind!
A 3rd party signed witness to this arrangement wouldn't go amiss either.
Also, as masses of leaflets have been posted through letterboxes, it reminds people that there are garages out there that want to be burgled....I know all about that!!!
How secure is this garage? Is it to your insurance company's requirements?
Make sure yours and his insurance company are aware - and in agreement with the arrangement . Get a photocopy of up to date garage insurance details.
A2P - I'm really glad you've found somewhere for the bike, and I hope it's a good working arrangement, as I don't want to rain on your parade as it were.
BUT.....Just be very, very careful...it's no fun being bikeless!
Happy riding!