It’s worked at least once for me with one BM lady, who has been absolutely open and honest with her profile. She has a “fella” (her word for him) and makes this quite clear, but enjoys pillion riding, whereas he has no interest in two-wheeled travel.
She’s in the same line of work as I am and, like me, lives in the North-West of England (though not in the same conurbation), so we had some common ground. Realising that she would more than likely fall asleep on the back of my ER-5, I offered her instead an insight into my favourite motorcycling activity - rallying. As it happened, there was a rally on the horizon - or, to be more accurate, in West Yorkshire - which featured a pub to which Josephine Public had access, so I put forward the idea that she should meet me there on the Saturday of the event.
She was kind enough to accept, and I must admit I had a whale of a time. I like to think she enjoyed herself, too. Once she’d accurately assessed me as a “friendly drunk” we got on pretty well. It was a good job I was there, though; every time I went out for a fag or stepped up to the bar, I returned to find her being chatted up. This was understandable - she’s an attractive lady - but I don’t think her fella would have approved.
She left late in the afternoon. I had thoroughly enjoyed her company, and we still sporadically pm each other. (She appears to like my posts on the Forums. In a minority of one, most might say.) If she wants to do it again, I’ll willingly accommodate her, even though it will mean braving another plethora of “Where’ve you been hiding her?”-type questions again after she leaves.
By carefully reading her profile and acting accordingly, I ended up experiencing what from my point of view was a totally positive meeting-up with another BM member.