Kevlar Jeans?

28 Posts | Latest reply on 16/07/2014 22:18:57 by Deleted User | Go to original / last post
Deleted Member's Profile
Deleted Member

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The Kevlar does work. But you need some method of keeping the heat and impact way from you

BUT what's is good is it helps keeping your insides inside. Less mess, less infection and less time in a&e if your skin is in one lump. It's easer to fix a broken bone then. Personally I have tested mx armour/Kevlar mix and it woke for lowish speed slides. For a heavy impact then maybe considering a Volvo or Alvis?
Deleted Member's Profile
Deleted Member

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And there defiantly is nothing wrong with a girl in hot pants on the back!                                                                                                                                                                             
Murdoch3352's Profile

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Is that wishfully thinking Stuie ? Lol.

I bought a pair of kevlar jeans just yesterday, feel good on the BSA and would probably use em for short commutes on the Triumph.

The kevlar should do the same job as leather in as much as it provided abrasion resistance but does need, as does leather, extra padding for impact.
Steve_H's Profile

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As noted above kevlar / aramid  / etc does offer good abrasion resistance but, as with leather or other textiles, it doesn't offer impact resistance.
For that you need a volvo.
Generally armour will take the take the impact of landing, but then you need the abrasion resistance.
Of course if you hit something big a solid, a 30 tonne truck for example, you will need something more appropriate.
Like a mortician.
Deleted Member's Profile
Deleted Member

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When i hit the 30 tonne truck i used

1x ambulance
2x rapid responce m/c paramedics
1x HEMS rapid responce car including a doctor and a gas man
God knows how many plod
2x news crews
And the London HEMS helicopter

Now thats a propa way to cause a traffic jam !

PS i was wearing leathers and the bloody armour in the legs span round allowing me to shatter my tib, fib and fracturing my feumer at the knee ball and breaking the pattella. Absolute waste of time wearing it. Hence i now strap the armour directly to me. So far so good during my test runs !
JP's Profile

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All that just to avoid her indoors.  bit ott Stuie                                                                                                                                                                               
Deleted Member's Profile
Deleted Member

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Yea but you never met the ex.....i can tell you it was worh the effort                                                                                                                                                                             
Deleted Member's Profile
Deleted Member

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I'm just waiting for the Kevlar kilt to come out...                                                                                                                                                                              

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