Tailgating and middle lane hogging - New penalties

21 Posts | Latest reply on 13/06/2013 01:21:47 by DukeZ | Go to original / last post
DukeZ's Profile

In: Wigan
Posts: 131
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Dustin666 is right; its not new offences: just new increased penalties.

But he's wrong when he says its not a govt plot.  This country is up the proverbial creek and to buy a new paddle the govt. needs extra income!  Bearing in mind its political suicide to increase standard income tax et al, where do you think they get all the money from?

stealth taxes like: penalties for dropping litter, spitting, drinking alcohol in public, begging, riding a bike on the pavement, failing to disclose tax returns, parking, speeding etc etc etc.  It all goes in whats called the 'Consolidated Fund' to pay off the interest on govt loans.  (we can never pay off the debt btw; its over £4 TRILLION pounds)  our kids are stuck with that one.

If we DO live in a free democratic society why can you be fined for failing to:
1. register a birth
2. complete a census
3. register for elections
and I could go on but all these carry a £1000 penalty.

think on!!


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