Even the polls are showing that the public don't want this to be paid for by 'us'.
But let's face it, it's a typical government thing (no matter what side they play for), "We're going to use public money, you can't do anything about it, so tough".
Let's be honest here, 'voting' is like a fart in the wind, it doesn't matter as the government will always do what 'they' want to
, and you don't become a politician to help others, only what you can get out of the job!
If I had children and they came to me and said they wanted to become a traffic warden, or they are gay, or wanted to simply be a road sweeper I'd still love them at the end of the day. However, if they said they wanted to become a politician, I'd kick the
out of them and say "your mother and I didn't bring you up to be such a selfish, lying little
. You get out there and get a proper job where you get 'real respect'.
Right I'm going to take my blood pressure now and calm down!