Right im neither young nor old.......yet, but i see things from both perspectives, ive made friends on here both older and younger.
The younger ones do talk to each other through private messages but usually only hold an account open for few weeks till they have found peeps to go out for rides ect. most dont need the dating side because theyre young and off in town ect, as youngsters do.
Some youngsters dont bother with the threads much because..... (and please this is not coming from me but randoms I have spoken to, so dont bite my head off) they find its the older (cringe sorry peeps) bikers and more already established circle of friends that have their views/say on the threads.
Now I can step back and say yeah but you can join in theyre all friendly enough, theyre good folk, some are a bit strange
but harmless
But to some youngsters trying to join in on random banter or discussions with (older) 'strong character peeps' that already have their own ways of communicating and interacting with each other on the threads is daunting, overwhelming , and hard to get involved in.
Reason for that is the older generation is not "with it"
Youngsters have their own banter and views of the world, its not until they have lived and learnt a little that they will understand the older hat (although some of the older generation are bloomin worse)
So maybe a certain age limit thread/banter part of site??? with the sign stating "no oldies allowed"!!!!
A lot of youngsters are not into the rallies on events pages, because they have never experienced it, so maybe thats an angle to look at!!some of them do enjoy some of the meets, but again will tend to stay within own age group banter.
Im not making any suggestions on changing the site but just voicing some of the younger lots messages ive recieved.
So please dont hate me or throw shoes at me
And p.s. i love all you oldies
theres lot to be learnt from you, erm not all bloody politically correct but yer funny anyway