THE 70'S
Meeting and marrying my ex. Mini dress and over knee ,purple suede,platform soled boots for the wedding :>> (loved those boots )
Long hair, tank tops, flowery shirts, platform soles,mini skirts and maxi coats, my first bikini
Bri-nylon sheets (orange of course)..they sparked when you got in and out of bed!! Crimpelene ..yuck!!
Carole King, Simon and Garfunkle, Cat Stevens,
Pac man ??? That computer tennis thing !!
The Good Life
Proper snow in winter!! And the stand-pipes whilst pregnant :<
Enema and a shave... the peri-natal delights of the 70's!! Oooh...and that bloody legs-in-the-air-hoist thingy. (None of this birth plan stuff in those days !!)
My first gorgeous baby ...awwwww