I once had a loan of an Electra Glide for a few days. So very different from the usual Euro-Jap bikes, but it's more an attitude of mind. Once you start thinking Harleys it all starts falling into place.
The Glide had the best wind protection of just about any bike I've ridden. There was nothing scientific about it, just a bloody enormous screen that kept the draughts away, and the bike had enough low-down torque not to notice. Also the best bike I've ridden for starting conversations with admiring ladies....sigh...
Razz it through the twisties like, say, a CBR600, and it'll scrape the pegs/footboards on either side and if really pushed it will bite - a Harley trying to high-side you is not fun, as I discovered!
If I had a stable of bikes I'd have one. Wouldn't stop me making tractor jokes, though