Ow do folks, am up bright and early ready for four days of mayhem, am off to the download festival so i will see you lot on monday when i am better dressed and complete with a banging hangover !
have a good time bandit try not to get to drunk lmao
i was going to go there to watch 'Kids in Glass Houses' who are playing on Sunday @ 12:00 to 12:40, i know these guys & there great. i cant go cos i got 2 work :-(
Ok BV I'm totally jealous, have a great time!
Got back late last night, couldnt hack another night in a field where the ground was harder than a group of women from cell block H!
Bands were amazing, awesome, unreal, you know the score lol, was well happy to see porcupine tree again after 14 years so my weekend was made on the friday night. Every band i saw blew me away, even ones i wasnt really that into, ie Korn, Gallows and Chimaira.
The old skool rock bands did not dissapoint, Megadeth and Iron Maiden were as good as they always have been, unfaulting and headbangingly fantastic ! The older thrash bands were good too, Slayer, Machine Head, both awesome on saturday night, sunday night was left to the new era of metal, Mastodon, Lamb of God,stone sour, killswitch Engage, then it all calmed down for a softer approach with Evenescence, she got a little grief but not too much, she won the crowd over, unlike My Chemical Romance, who, in all honesty, if it was up to the people there they would have been lucky to get onto the third stage, everytime they were mentioned they were booed, most went to see Korn when they played, those that did stay booed them and threw plastic bottles, they ended the set early and went offstage, shame !
Maiden finished the weekends proceedings off, if you want to finish something in style, theres no other way of doing it !
Bring on next year !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I so wanted to go :( no pennies this year cos ive already spent up with my trip to iceland, even had to miss lamb of god when they played in sheffield a few nights ago *grumble*
but i bet hayseed dixie rocked saw them in notts the other month gotta love a bit of bluegrass :)
hey bandit sooooooo gald you had a great time mate.
sounds like it was a packed weekend

it was on our local radio that theres a dress code and its black is this true ??????
Lamb Of God ROCKED!!!
Would have loved to have seen hayseed dixie, did speak to one guy that wanted to go and he said it was packed, so must have been a good night for them, i gave the bloke a copy of a hayseed dixie cd i had done, so once again i get to spread the word !
Too many people thought that me an me mate were german, our album for the weekend was hanzel und gretels "uber alles", we ended up getting two german navy flags and putting them up while it was played, which was often, then some sod stole our poles and left the flags, thievin gits!
lol dress code ! yep most people there were in black, except the group of people who decided to attend the festival as SMURFS! They were a slight hint of blue lol, no black in sight.
Mind you i did wear my red Ill Niño t-shirt on friday, must have stood out like a sore thumb!
grrrr i hate having to miss the good gigs *wimpers*
although just spotted a gig i have to goto black rebel motorcycle club are at the leadmill in sheff in july.. time to start bribing people to come with me lol
bet they were sweaty smurfs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yuck