ACE cafe

36 Posts | Latest reply on 01/02/2011 22:48:36 by Nanny Biker | Go to original / last post
randomjoka's Profile

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Hey people.   Just wondered if you ever go to the ACE cafe.   If you do, do you have particular days you go ??   And i wanna be a pillion hehe so if you dont mind having me haha   drop me a line as this is my last day as a member :(   x                                                                                                                                                                               
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i have not been, but would love to have a BM ride out there one day !                                                                                                                                                                              
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I often go there, when I'm up in that neck of the woods ..... they do an excellent breakfast                                                                                                                                                                              
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sounds like a plan is coming together                                                                                                                                                                              
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I have a friend who works at the Ace & Nick Gale Customs is just around the corner. I'm fairly regular there, even if I do live 120 south west of there.

I thought, when it comes to rideouts, the BM clique refused to acknowledge that anything exists south of the Midlands ....lmao
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well i am from Manchester originally, but why dony you put it to the mods re events get it organised, i am up for that                                                                                                                                                                              
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I used to go up to Manchester regularly, I'm ex SOH MC Dorset.

The mods are taking money off folk on here, why aren't they arranging meets other than those that are convenient for them ?                                                                                                                                                                              
Sandi's Profile

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  The mods/staff don't take any money at all, flat tracker762. Neither do they receive any money.   If you have complaints about the site perhaps you should inform Matt?   As for events in your area you could try organising something yourself, like other members do, or travelling a little further afield to make the effort. There is no mention anywhere on the site that events have to be organised at all, or in any specific geographical area.    I think Biker Match offers a lot for what it charges, and has kept the same membership prices for years.   Matt has upgraded, and added elements, the site at no extra cost to members and I'm sure he would appreciate constructive criticism.   However it's not all down to Matt to ensure we all enjoy the site and attend gatherings, that responsibility lies with each and every one of us.   There is no cliqué, just members who happen to live in the same area organising their own gatherings.   Sandi Smile                                                                                                                                                                               
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 I don't think it was entirely necessary to put words in my mouth Kwak, especially when you've completely missed the point. You appear to have reinforced my point though, in that the mods (I'm assuming you're one of them) are putting themselves and their viewpoints above those who are paying for this, regardless of who is pocketing the subscriptions. Please explain exactly what this site offers, that free sites don't ?

 I am involved with events in my area, and elsewhere. We're unlikely to want to publicise them on here, we'd get laughed at :)

 The "clique" reputation of this site is well known and obvious. Negative & proven reputations are hard to shake off. You can't take money off people & then treat them as if you're doing them a favour.
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I agree with Kwak .. tho not a MOD I am a member of site staff ... and on the events committee .. why .. cos I got off my arse & sorted events out for people in my area, I made friends with people in other areas, & have arranged meet ups & rides out where we have linked up , I have saved pitches at rallies so that EVERY member of BM who was going if they wanted to could all camp together ... I co-ordinated 56 campers & riders to meet up at Farmyard, 

I am not the only one who is on here does this, Bikerbill is neither staff or a MOD but does it ... JP is on the events team for the same reason I am, BigNed is a paid up member not staff & does the same, as is Mini the Minx .to name just a few .. we are all people who have to pay the same as everyone else for membership just want to get something out of it. not sit about doing nothing, 

I take exception that things are only done in our areas ... Bill has arranged a week long camp in Cornwall to meet with members from down south, and I know some of the site staff have arranged reg meet ups & rides out down south ... or tried to ! and as I said I have spoken to loads to try to get something going down there ... its hard to arrange a meet up when your 400 miles from it & know you wont be there !!!

Brummie Jackie's Profile
Brummie Jackie

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Could not have said it better ladies.

I hjave organised many events for BM folk in the last year or so, in my area and outside of it.  The reason i do it is not for money but for enjoyment of meeting other folk and having a good time.  The events team has been put in place so that folk can suggest things to do with someone in there area willing to sort it out, whats the point in me organising something in an area that i am unfamiliar with, common sense prevails does it not???

If you want more stuff in your area then get off your arse and organise it, instead of whinging about it.

Timeout's Profile

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" I am involved with events in my area, and elsewhere. We're unlikely to want to publicise them on here, we'd get laughed at :)"   You organise events but dont advertise them on the site so as not to invite others to join you, is that not as you put it a  'clique' ft.
The people who organise events up here DO open the event to others if you dont want to travel thats your problem, folks from Scotland travel down here, and they enjoy them selves and dont moan about it and we go to their events.
The mods and others organise events for free because they want to have a laugh with friends from all over the country, what they do is nothing to do with subscripions, thats for the organiser for setting up the site which started as a dating agency.                                                                                                                                                                                
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If you need any more help on the site i am available and can commit, you wont get every member happy, and i would suggest folks checking the site out before subscribing etc and before worrying about what is has to offer, this time of year is hard for us all, with not alot going on due to weather, light etc, but once the spring arrives there is events in everyones area or at least accessible, and for like camping weekends etc, even the mcn there is designated meeting points to suit everyone on route,..........dont know where that came from, it was like last night during celeb mastermind, i answered a question to which the answer was Qualalumpa......god knows where that came from either !!!
jabecs's Profile

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Hi Flat tracker 762

I am a MOD on this site .... and I am sorry you feel this way. I live in the south (at the moment) and sadly the reason not much happens down this way tends to be more because when rideouts etc are organised attendance is poor.

Th Northern meets attract more members as they actually do get off their arses to attend.

It is not up to the MODS to arrange meets / rideouts anyone can all you have to do is start a thread see who is up for it and if you feel there is enough interest submit it on events.

I did one last year an end of year camp near Ipswich ...funnily enough more northern members came than southern.

As for us taking money for this I promise you I don't .... I work on here free of charge to help keep the site friendly and spammer/scammer free and help members with any issue or problem they encounter whilst here along with my fellow MODS and Matt.

Matt started this site for bikers so that we could get together near and far and for me that has worked there are not many places I can go that I do not know someone (comes in handy sometimes lol)

If you want help organising a rideout to the ACE its pretty local to me and i don't mind helping ....sadly though at the moment I wont be able to attend on my bike following a bike accident but would go in my car. PM me and let me know and we will see how much interest we can muster.
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Flat tracker 762 if the site bother you that much leave if i remember right the last time you were on all you did was bitch and moan about us                                                                                                                                                                              
babyharley's Profile

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As a former moderator, who volunteered time without payment as all the mods have always done, I can also confirm they do what it says on the tin.............moderate the site not run it!  Moderators have always done a grand job of helping to safeguard and support the members and the site in general not instigate or run events, rideouts etc to suit themselves.  Some members and areas are just more proactive than others,  that's all! Ace Cafe brilliant place, just down the road from my original birthplace and childhood home etc so definately worth a visit.  They have their own website so you can see the forthcoming events and it's straight off the M40 so not hard to find via most of the main motorways.  Lets see some members south of Watford now taking this forward and I'm sure the moderators, as always will support an organised rideout and meet as they always have.  Hope to see you all there sometime soon xx
Sandy :)                                                                                                                                                                             
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hey sandy, long time no see !!!                                                                                                                                                                              
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Hi Ian, yes, work/study/family commitments and new bike project keeping me busy and in the background but still here and longing for nicer weather and more biking in 2011! See you all again then hopefully!
randomjoka's Profile

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if you have a meet up at ace someone tell me please :) xx                                                                                                                                                                             
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keep a eye on events Smile                                                                                                                                                                              

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