kids stuff

17 Posts | Latest reply on 28/07/2010 22:37:28 by darkcarnival | Go to original / last post
giantdog's Profile

In: Derby
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What stupid things did you get upto when you were a kid.   I went to a party when I was about 6, I drove a pedal car into the party boys paddling pool and made him cry. I did feel bad but even then thought I should be a rock star Clap   Oooo were'd it all go wrong.   So come on, what did you get up to??                                                                                                                                                                             
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one of my kid memories is ...   i was with family at a holiday park, somewhere in bonnie scotland.. my cousin was the geekiest kid you can imagine, jam jar glasses the works! ::::  i was possibly about 7 ish.. and should have known better Evil Smile evil was lurking lol... we were walking past the boat hire pier and my cousin (a year younger than i) asked if it was grass on top of the water and i told her yes.. you can walk on it Evil Smile.. so she did.. it was extremely funny she was covered in moss lol, .. she has never forgiven me haha.                                                                                                                                                                                 
invalid characters's Profile
invalid characters

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Tried to blow the lock on a school  hut door with bangers.
That didn't work, but it was a panel door and caught light INSIDE!Embarrassed
brigadoon's Profile

In: Basingstoke
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Lighting bangers in cow pat and running like hell, or crossing a field with a mare and her foal on a dare...  The foal was quite eager to find out what I was...!                                                                                                                                                                             
Deleted Member's Profile
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I took the drain plug off a school urinal - it flushed automatically and when it did so, it would really wet your feet - which wasn't so bad, as when you went for a pee, that went over you feet as well!

how i laughed until i got the cane. :(
Sandi's Profile

In: Huddersfield, W
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  What stupid things did you get upto when you were a kid?   Age 7: Played an outdoor game called 'Stretch', not sure what the rules were but you had to throw a dagger into the grass and spread your legs to reach where the dagger landed; a bit like 'Twister' I think lol, everything was ok til the dagger found its way into my foot! I've got the scar to prove it, but it only shows when I get a tan.   Age 14: Got a job polishing the Helter Skelter at my local funfair, while it was in use!                                                                                                                                                                                     
Deleted Member's Profile
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well well well Kwak, we used to call that the splits...i think. i had a proper throwing knife for the job. all metal, not sharp but pointy. great fun. me and the neighbours kid used to play it loads.

wouldn't want to play it today mind! Wink Ouch!!
DG99's Profile

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We called it 'Stretch' as well, played it a lot in the Scouts where we all had sheath knives, I was pretty good at that too.

Disected an air bomb once and my friend 'Nellie' and I were laying flat on the floor facing each other when he lit the canister air bomb bit.  I put my face down he didn't, I was deaf for 2 days, he the same but with the added bonus of losing his eyebrows and eyelashes! Thumbs Up
anneka56's Profile

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I was a good girl I was Big smile                                                                                                                                                                             
Sandi's Profile

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  Splutters at Anneka's obvious fib LOL   ROFL @ Dik's comment   D G good at stabbing folk? Shocked Wink                                                                                                                                                                             
anneka56's Profile

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grrrr  gonna get you Kwak at playtime   Wink                                                                                                                                                                             
Sandi's Profile

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  LOL I aint heard those words since I was about 12   Mam!!!! the bratlin' is pickin' on me Cry                                                                                                                                                                               
Scrapyard monster's Profile
Scrapyard monster

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Yep used to play splitz aswell Took some dried peas to school managed to get  one stuck up my nose. Then 40 odd years later my son got a small pebble stuckup his nose. Told him about my pea incident asked why a pebble - he said he couldn't find any peas.                                                                                                                                                                             
Sandi's Profile

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  LOL PML Scrappy                                                                                                                                                                             
Deleted Member's Profile
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LOL scrappy                                                                                                                                                                             
2Tdreamin's Profile

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On the run up to bonfire night me and a gang of about 10 lads were doing the usual with bangers (makin a fri88in nuisance of our selves). Night was comin to an end as we ran out of fire works. I had one banger left. We had also run out of imagination as to what to do with it so I lit it and through it as far as I could. It headed towards a road and landed on a police car roof. It went bang, you've never seen 11 kids dissappear so fast in 11 different diections. They didnt catch us.                                                                                                                                                                             
darkcarnival's Profile

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I cling filmed the ladies loos when i was 14. The teachers ladies loos. Miss Siney didnt find it all funny and sent me to the unit for bad behaviour. Still havent worked out how she knew it was me Confused                                                                                                                                                                             

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