My ride home was quite funny but bloody freezing, there was me and my mates Sue and Davy, poor Sue was struggling in the wind cos the bike had everything on it apart from the kitchen sink. Must admit I was having a bit of a frozen problem with me gurly bits
so we pulled into a service station and Sue changed the setting on her sat nav to avoid motorways, her way of thinking being that it would be less windy, my way of thinking was Oh my God this is gonna be a long ride home ( I was right!) at that point the heavens opened and down came massive hail stones, Sue just screamed at the top of her voice, 'we cant ride in this we will all die' to which me and Davy went into fits of giggles. We all made it home safe and took at least 4 hours to defrost, probably the same length of time as a frozen turkey, anyway the moral is NEVER CHANGE YOUR SAT NAV SETTINGS, trust me the 'avoid motorway' option really means 'lets take the pxxx outta already frozen bikers'