For once I wasn't judged....

20 Posts | Latest reply on 24/03/2010 20:34:12 by cissystar650 | Go to original / last post
cissystar650's Profile

In: Hook
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...on the bike, the leathers or the tattoos, and I learnt today that I have been elected as a Parent Governor at my daughters school!   She started there in September, and there are many reasons why I am not happy with the way things are run, so when they asked for applications to the Board of Governors, I applied, not for one minute thinking that I would be successful in an election up against other so called 'normal' parents....   So, my faith in humanity has been a little bit restored today, and I hope that people voted me in because they wanted someone 'real'. Too often in middle class villages 'bikers' (amongst other groups) get looked down on, sneered at or shunned...well, this is for us! A Biking School Governor!   Happy Days! Tongue                                                                                                                                                                             
Karey's Profile

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Well Done cissystar!Thumbs Up   I was a Parent Governor at my kid's primary school, for about 6 years and I really enjoyed it. It gave me chance to see what they were doing in school as well as being able to help out and give valuable parent input!..They have since left school and one is a parent herself.. (jeez i feel old!! lol)   Enjoy and make sure you put them to rights Wink                                                                                                                                                                               
cissystar650's Profile

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Thanks Karey!   I intend to embrace the role.... and probably put the fear of god up the existing Governors lol.... xxx                                                                                                                                                                             
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turn up with high revs and a cloud of smoke, tattoo's on show, full leathers, love and hate penned on the knuckles............... .......then talk in a really soft shy retiring voice and be on your best manners lol.......then if someone disagree's with you bamboozle them with a tirade of thesaurus alternatives to regular speech......wont know whats hit them lol   Well done, it will bring a certain common sense to these things, I went to a meeting at my daughters school with all the governers there....most of them were totally out of reality and coming out with some complete and utter nonsense......luckily the newer members had still retained some grip on reality....   Today the governess tomorrow downing                                                                                                                                                                             
Nutkin68's Profile

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Yayyy another Biker Parent Governer !! I too, am one at my daughters secondary school - luckily our Governing Body is in touch with reality..........                                                                                                                                                                             
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Ok get together and get mechanics brought back to schools........   .........those were the days could get my mobike in and fixed for price of the parts and a few pints to the teacher (out of school hours of course)....Beer                                                                                                                                                                             
WheelyNealy's Profile

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well done Thumbs Up                                                                                                                                                                             
Nutkin68's Profile

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Ok get together and get mechanics brought back to schools........     we do at our school Thumbs Up                                                                                                                                                                             
Wills's Profile

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Cissy, you're a starThumbs Up....Kaz and Nuts tooThumbs UpThumbs Up

(No pun intended, but it fits anyway!)                                                                                                                                                                             
cissystar650's Profile

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Yay Nuts... lets hear it for Biker Governors! woohooooo!                                                                                                                                                                             
cissystar650's Profile

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I think that Robert Mays School is as far out of touch with the real world as possible.... but you can all rey on me to bring them back to earth (in fact, I think I put something along those lines on my election pitch!).... am still in a bit of shock... this is Odiham don't ya know!
WheelyNealy's Profile

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arnold swartzanager was a bike wont he lol                                                                                                                                                                             
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Odiham.....ah now I know what your up against ....Tally hoo bandits 10 O clock...etc etc...reality check required urgently lol                                                                                                                                                                             
cissystar650's Profile

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Yup Johnny.... you got it mate!                                                                                                                                                                              
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Congrats Cissy, well done, as everyone said give em a reality check, might wake em up a bit lol                                                                                                                                                                             
cissystar650's Profile

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If the reality check doesn't wake them up Shell... the noise of my bike turning up for meetings might! hehe xx                                                                                                                                                                             
bikerbitch's Profile

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Fair play to you girl,Thumbs Up   Congratulations and enjoy your new must feel so proud? your input I'm sure will be great as a school governor on many matters, There are many intelligent bikers out there,me included.Wink go for it! and show um what you can do.Clap                                                                                                                                                                             
bigned's Profile

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well done lass  sock it to them !!!                                                                                                                                                                              
Phil's Profile

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the Harper Valley PTA is now going through my head lol                                                                                                                                                                             
cissystar650's Profile

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lol @ PP x                                                                                                                                                                             

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