wot is it with some ppl about replyin to emails,cant understand why ppl dont reply to emails sent to them,pet hate is ignorant ppl,,,,not gerrin at anyone in particular,just that i hate it, it aint rocket science to reply to folk is it,it dont tek long to say (no thanks not interested) ok i kno folks aint on ere every day but hey,it dont stop ya reply does it,,courtesy costs nowt duz it,
Spot on hun, no need to ignore anyone. If needs be hi and bye should be sufficient.
Quite agree
yep i agree to
i just cant understand why ppl are so ignorant wen it comes to stuff like this,duz me head in ,i've stopped goin on lots ov bike sites coz ppl are ignorant,went on a yanky bike site not long back had a rait go at a moderator about this prob,eeerrrrr got banned didnt i,only lasted 4 days,told him to stuff site where sun dint shine,,,
WE are a right friendly bunch on here hun if u pm us the majority will reply to ur pm.
and good for you tellin him where to go, like you said only takes 2 mins to reply to someone.
stick with us lot hun and welcome to the mad house lol
thanks,,think thats y most ppl dont like it coz i cant/wont hold back from saying wot i think,,,,
good for you tell them how it is, and if u dont mind a bit of banter on here, u will be as mad as us lot b4 u know it lol
one reason they call me ozzy,dysfunctional,lunatic,mad as a box ov frogs,,,,
agree with you on that only takes a couple of minutes to reply to a pm, a quick thank you,but not at this time, is more than polite enough, thing i've noticed tho is that ppl sign up to the site but dont subcribe,which means they cant reply,fine if they just want to post on the forums & just have a laugh on them as most of the posting crowd will confirm it is a friendly bunch on here,but if your joining in hopes of actualy meeting someone (or lots of ppl lol) then it is only a pound a week after all & i think most of us can afford that?? so come on ppl who dont reply,dont be shy,it can look like your just being rude really & politeness go's a long way
while i'm on me soapbox

another thing that annoys me is when someone looks at your profile sevaral times,winks at you,then disables their profile.why???? whats the point in that?? if you want a chat then do so, as far as i know i think the first 3 days on here are free to send pm's.if i'm right there then get your messages in quick, who know's what might happen
hi devil welcome to the site
couldnt have put it better myself oggy mate.
lol oggy feel better now ????
just getting it off me chest lol
thanks storm,kno where ya comin from oggy,yea quid a week cant even get a pint fer that,tried other paying sites,same response ,emails someone,nuthin in return,that was one reason i dint sign up straight away on ere,thort it was just anuther rip-off but i was wrong,hopefully,i'll talk to anyone,but if they p*ss me off thats in bye bye,total block,sod um,,,,,
crafty gwen
Welcome to the site m8 glad to have u on board xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
thanks gwen,,,looks like i'm ere for nuther week at least,
woooohoooooo glad to have u here