Once upon a time when the world was ruled by dinosaurs, I met someone via the internet and used to travel 360 miles each way most wekends to see her ......... but it just died but i thin it would have anyway.
Then it was 200 miles and that lasted a bit longer, but guess what ?
At the moment I'm seeing someone who lives only 50 miles away and that seems to be working out, it does mean we can see each other during the week if we need to, i.e. shit day at work or whatever and we need a cuddle (I'm a softie really).
Long distance can work tho I think but it really needs to be worked at by both parties, one of the issues it that if one of the partners needs a weekend off as it were, perhaps to got to a friends do or what ever then it means 2 weeks not seeing each other and the relationship needs to be strong, also the potential for worrying what the other is doing seems to rear its head occasionally, so trust needs to be strong.
BTW, I am available for consulting discount rates for BM members, mind you I did try consulting laura and she said that I had to stop as she didnt think matt could match up to me and it wasnt fair to him