Congratualtions craftygwen

22 Posts | Latest reply on 18/12/2006 06:11:09 by rubecula | Go to original / last post
RC's Profile

In: Derbyshire
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CONGRATUALTIONS CRAFTYGWEN on the new arrival of ur grand daughter lillymay (another one to the collection) lol   luv rc ,bwb and laim xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                                                                                                                                                                             
Oggy's Profile

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RC's Profile

In: Derbyshire
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oops meant liam cant even spell me owns son's name lmao                                                                                                                                                                             
crafty gwen's Profile
crafty gwen

In: Derby
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tyvm this makes my 7th grandchild plus 2 step grandchildren .   I'm a glutton for punishment.   They have called her Lilly May she was born at 4.40 am this morning, she weighed 7lbs 8ozs mother and baby are doing fine and back at home with her two brothers.                                                                                                                                                                             
Di's Profile

In: Wellingborough
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Glad Mum and anklebiter are both ok, time for a dink now Gwen LOL                                                                                                                                                                             
storm's Profile

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god hope they dont all visit at once !!!!!! congrats gwen so glad the rug rats ok an mum too    ((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))                                                                                                                                                                             
witchiest's Profile

In: hinckley
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congrats to u 2 gwen,it would be a houseful with em all there! i had my 4th and last baby 8 weeks ago,hes called samuel isaac jake and was 9lb 5oz,hes very cute! his brother and sis love him to bits!                                                                                                                                                                             
witchiest's Profile

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that shoulda said brothers and sis! cos my brain is abit scrambled from sleep deprivation! sorry!                                                                                                                                                                             
Di's Profile

In: Wellingborough
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Congrats to you too then witchiest, braver man than me LOL                                                                                                                                                                             
storm's Profile

In: derbyshire
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ahhhhhh witchiest congrats hunny, the sleep dep is the worst bit of new mummy hood !!!!  what a lovely name you have given him congrats to all your family too   Star                                                                                                                                                                             
crafty gwen's Profile
crafty gwen

In: Derby
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ty everyone for the congrats i'll pass them on. congrats on a lovely lad and a lovely name to xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                                                                                                                                                                             
Di's Profile

In: Wellingborough
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Have to say I love the names of both babes. They wouldn't let me have son of satan on my lads birth cert so had to call him George Andrew William, son of is so much more appropriate tho' LOL                                                                                                                                                                             
witchiest's Profile

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thanxguys,gotta admit it isnt easy typing and breastfeedin at same time! sam was ozzy when he was a bump cos knew i would swear alot when he was born!!                                                                                                                                                                             
Di's Profile

In: Wellingborough
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rotflmao. yep breast feedin and doin anything else is tricky lol. i found just tuckin him under me arm worked wonders as long as i remembered not to stand up too quick lol.   I threw a hissey fit and said i was off home..........well i'd been there 47 hrs, wot did they bloody expect lol. Swear words just sound so much more genuine in maternity i find lol.                                                                                                                                                                             
witchiest's Profile

In: hinckley
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sam was born so quick,no time 4 pain relief so swearin was all i had!! eva rushed 2 answer door havin just finished feedin 2 discover boob hangin out? i did!!! mortified!                                                                                                                                                                             
Di's Profile

In: Wellingborough
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We got our very own flasher!!! LOL   Bless ya Big smile                                                                                                                                                                             
crafty gwen's Profile
crafty gwen

In: Derby
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been to see Lilymay Heather today she is gorgeous but I would say that wouldn't I lol.   Her two brothers didn't know a thing till they came home from hospital yesterday, as I said in my earlier post she was born a 4.48 am and they were home at 12 noon, gawd I was in for 3 days when I had mine, which was a long time ago pmsl.                                                                                                                                                                             
Di's Profile

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No hanging around these days LOL                                                                                                                                                                             
crafty gwen's Profile
crafty gwen

In: Derby
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no hun thats true, and as they are both great thats all that matters, mind u Stacy is tired today but can't blame her.                                                                                                                                                                             
rubecula's Profile

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I know I was there when you found out....... but to make it official..................   CongatulationsLOL                                                                                                                                                                             

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