Wooo hooooooo finallly got my bike out and had a pootle out, thanks to my fellow tyke Nina! What a star!!
I cant write essays like Stella, but well.. long story short..
Nina let me go wherever i felt comfortable.. so off i went up my street, turn left along main(ish) road and onto a bit of waste tarmac, where i had a pootle about for a bit, tryin to avoid huge pot holes and glass ! lol
Then back out again, round a couple of estates..and back along the main(ish) road.. a bit further along.. round some more back streets, and home.
Was brill, I'm a bit rusty on the gears and need a bit of throttle/clutch/gears retrain but I don't think i did tooooo bad.
The hardest bit was gettin it back in my garden..in the pitch dark, tryin to manouvre it round a 90 deg corner thats only half as long as the bike! Then try as i mite, i cuddent get it on the centre stand (by this time I was shattered ..even tried lifting the back end to swing it round the corner, at one point, then realised just how heavy my 'little' bike is)...so hes leanin ont side stand, nicely padlocked..etc.. and covered up nice n snug in my bargain Lidl cover
Thanks agen mate.. you are a star, and you've even offered to come out wiv me agen tomorrow, so i guess i dint scare u then ! lol
* stil grinning like a Cheshire Cat* hehe
** NOT ready to ride to Harrogate on Sunday tho.. need more practice **