The friendly bikers

28 Posts | Latest reply on 10/12/2008 10:40:25 by Wannabe | Go to original / last post
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The friendly bikers would like to announce confirmation of the first annual(hopefully) 'Ure Welcome Rally'   14th to 16th August at lower Dunsforth,n.Yorks.   The first fundraising event is to take place at Wath on Sat 31st Jan.This is to be a joint event between the friendlies and the local cricket club.Entrance to this event will be £5 to include buffet.On offer will be psychic/tarot/rune readings,an auction of unwanted xmas gifts and an auction of promise so if anyone has any unwanted gifts/goods or can offer a special skill or service please get in touch.   There is a limited number of letting rooms at the venue,priced at £45 for a double.   There has been a fair amount of interest in this rally from members up and down the country so if anyone is prepared to organise something in their own area it would be greatly appreciated.   Anybody who is interested in either attending this event or organising one of their own please pm or post the idea.                                                                                                                                                                                 
Herne's Profile

In: Dewsbury
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Thumbs Up                                                                                                                                                                             
Deleted Member's Profile
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Oooops forgot,there will also be the oppurtunity to get up close and personal with a variety of reptilesDead,if that floats your boatLOL                                                                                                                                                                             
Karey's Profile

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Yehhh nice one Cassie !     is it on the events?  soz i shudda looked there first ! lol   Was a good meeting today and from what Graham was sayin, this shud be a really good fundraising event, sounds like there will be quite a lot of local interest!    Well done..and a pat on the back to all who have helped get this off the ground.   Also anyone else that can help out in any way wotsoever, please feel free to join in.  Even if its just to pm any ideas, ANYTHING will be welcome.   Cassie are we gonna have another meeting before 31st Jan?    Look forward to seein u all there!                                                                                                                                                                               
Matt's Profile

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what charity is it going to by the way?                                                                                                                                                                             
geoffb2005's Profile

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The GeoffB ZZR1400 Fund                                                                                                                                                                              
Herne's Profile

In: Dewsbury
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Now look here mister....Rachel already told you that you can't have a nasty green one Smile                                                                                                                                                                             
darkcarnival's Profile

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Air Ambulance i reckon, seeing as though they seem to help us biker folk a every region. Maybe it could be split between a few regions?                                                                                                                                                                             
Herne's Profile

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Charity ? The charity is ours so we can get the rally going...I may be wrong as I often am but I don't think there was any mention of it being for charity. Embarrassed                                                                                                                                                                             
geoffb2005's Profile

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But I waannnnnnnnt a green one ........ Cry                                                                                                                                                                             
fastjock's Profile

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The way I understand it is any fund raiser we hold has to be done for charity , namely Air Ambulance and Parish Council , we gain funds as a donation from Graham of 10% of bar sales .   Will have to arrange another meeting with Graham to clarify everything , sunday 4th jan 2009 looking favourable at the momment , send PM to me to confirm this date is good for you then I can make arrangements with Graham.   Thanx Dugald                                                                                                                                                                             
Herne's Profile

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Hi Dugald.....Are you serious mate We work all day and possibly the evening for 10% of the bar takings...Wow bloody Wow Cry                                                                                                                                                                             
micksaway's Profile

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geoffb2005 If Kawasaki had sold the ZZR 14 in that colour last year I would own one instead of the BMW I got nowSmile                                                                                                                                                                             
fastjock's Profile

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Not 100% certain Allan , that's why we need to have another meeting to make sure we are all clear on what funds go where , lots of grey areas when it comes to fund raisers , we don't want to fall foul of the law at our first event .   One thing's for sure , the more ppl we can attract to the event , the more we stand to gain either way .   It may be that only one part of the proceedings need go to charity , i.e raffle .   Gonna make you grimmace again Allan , I am certain that we are to split this first fundraiser 50/50 with the local cricket club , so as to gain local support for future fundraisers .   As in-comers we need to be seen to be supporting the local community .                                                                                                                                                                             
Wannabe's Profile

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As in-comers we need to be seen to be supporting the local community .   What, this same local community who won't be allowed into the rally cos they're on foot?! LOL   Sorry - couldn't resist it - the temptation was too great! Evil Smile   So... with the cricket club's cut... 50% of 10% of bar sales...? Ye gads! You're going to have to drink a LOT of beer to get any pennies into the rally coffers!                                                                                                                                                                                 
Wannabe's Profile

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Teasing aside - there have to be ways and means around the legalities and charitable donation aspect to a fundraiser... after all, cricket/football/rugby teams can hold fundraisers to raise money for their clubs/teams etc... they're not charities.   Schools do it - they're not registered charities (apart from some Private schools which makes a mockery of the whole thing anyway!)   Business "raise funds" for themselves every day. Yer man Graham's only offering you 10% of his take cos he can afford to give that away out of the profit he's going to make for himself with the extra custom you bring in on a "fundraiser" day.   ;o)                                                                                                                                                                             
Karey's Profile

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Yeh, valid points there Lou.   Dugald, I was under the impression that we were sharing the the takings with the cricket club and that Graham was donating 10% of the bar sales as well.   A friend of  mine has been raising funds for her little girl to go to a special school and she is not a registered charity, all the money she raises goes to her daughters appeal.   So I'm not quite sure where the need to provide money for charities comes in?   Don't get me wrong here, I will always dip in my pocket to help charities such as Air Ambulance etc,  but it seems unfair that such a relativley small function that we have arranged,  should be expected to hand over such a high percentage of the takings.?!   Indeed if we are only expected to gain the 10% bar profits, then I reckon we are really going to struggle to get enough funds to run the rally this year.                                                                                                                                                                                 
Matt's Profile

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you have to just say where the money goes. What goes to charity is tax free, but you have to evidence it.   What doesn't go to charity has to be taxed as income by whoever takes the cash.  So if you make 100 quid each then you just gotta declare it to the taxman as individual private earnings.   You've also got to pay national insurance from it.  And if it's a business running the event then the business is actually employing people, which requires the business side of tax and national insurance to be paid.   See this is why I wasn't getting involved!  I wasn't being miserable, I just can't take anymore stress and that is exactly what this event will turn out to be if you're not careful.   Giving it all to charity makes the whole process simple.                                                                                                                                                                             
fastjock's Profile

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Cheers Louise and Matt , certainly sounds a lot better now .   Pity we have to payout to the taxman tho grrr .   You were probably paying more attention than me Karey , after all I was still hungover from the night before Dead                                                                                                                                                                             
Karey's Profile

In: Barnsley
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Lol @ Dugald...yeh u looked a bit fragile!  LOL                                                                                                                                                                             

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