Toy Runs can be a lot of fun and are really satisfying when you see loads of toys etc being dropped off to an army of young uns who deserve them and will appreciate them.
I've been involved with the Darlington MAG toy run for several YEars now and I've never missed one yet, although the only downside is the average speed on the run. I'm no speed freak on the bike, but travelling around at 20mph is a right chew on.
Watch out for some of the toy run's though, a lot of them take it on themselves to marshall the event and think it's only right to park their bikes on round-abouts and stop the traffic. I tried this one year and nearly got forced off my bike by an irate car driver who was at the head of a mega long queue of traffic. It doesn't go anywhere to break the rift between some car drivers and us bikers.
Basically, turn up at the event with a toy or donation and follow the others till you get to the destination(s). Some toy runs can only take new (boxed) toys, which is common sense really.
I guess toy runs are very like Easter egg runs, except you can't eat the toy if you get peckish half way round lol

I haven't looked at the date yet, fj, but I'll take a peek and see if Cassie and I will be able to come out to play.