Mirror Signal Manouver?

110 Posts | Latest reply on 10/08/2009 19:10:42 by prof | Go to original / last post
Hull750Rider's Profile

In: Hull
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http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=9ecyM55Q69Q&featu...re=related   Will video evidence help or hinder???                                                                                                                                                                             
TeeCee's Profile

In: Blair Atholl
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sheesh... *slaps head at some of the comments on Youtube*                                                                                                                                                                             
Matt's Profile

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I'd hunt that driver down!                                                                                                                                                                             
TeeCee's Profile

In: Blair Atholl
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Do you not think both parties could be held at fault?   I have nowhere near the experience that most of you guys and girls have out there but I was taught to ride defensively and to expect a car to do that every time I overtake and to be aware of the possibility.   Studying the video closely, I believe there WAS a car in front of the red car which I think he pulled out to overtake and he wasn't aware of the bikes actions (i.e not a deliberate swerve to knock the bike off.)   Unfortunately these videos are just snapshots of an incident so I can only comment on what I see.   I am not defending or condoning any parties actions but I am curious as to what experienced riders see when they look at the video.   I am also not looking to be drawn into an argument, I just want to educate myself to learn to be a better rider.   Many thanks, TC                                                                                                                                                                                 
Hull750Rider's Profile

In: Hull
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My opinion car at fault (should not be on the road in 1st place lol)   But in reality bike was too near most of the time and could have started an overtake from further back, this would give him chance to pull back,break or throttle off if car decided to pullout!   And also the car driver was possably pissed off with bike being up his arse all the time and was just waiting for a gap to go for it.   Either way both driver and biker need to gain from the experiance......... The biker more (in way of compo new protective gear and a new bike plus defencive rider training lol)                                                                                                                                                                             
Wannabe's Profile

In: Dartford
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Just prior to the car making its move, it looks like the brake lights come on, so you wouldn't necessarily expect them to suddenly decide to overtake.

The car indicates and moves simultaneously. Definitely no way the driver bothered checking any more than his/her wing mirror, if that...

I doubt very much whether it was a deliberate attempt to run the bike off the road, more a case of the driver being impatient, seeing a chance to get past the car in front and moving without looking.

Despite the bike being too close to the car in the first place, you'd have thought that the car driver would've been aware of the bike's presence?

*wakes up*


Hull750Rider's Profile

In: Hull
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Yes I saw the indicator too but being a sceptic lol                                                                                                                                                                             
Wannabe's Profile

In: Dartford
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Not much point in indicating as you begin your manoeuvre though.. kinda helps to do it a tad before the moving bit starts ;o)                                                                                                                                                                             
Deleted Member's Profile
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If it had been a bike in front instead of a car, would the biker have overtaken? No, he would have waited to see what the biker was going to do. He should have been aware that the car just might pull out. He should have been further back, indicating, and flash his lights just before the overtake. The dozy car driver might still have pulled out, but the risk would have been minimalised. Treat all car drivers as total prats  - u will live longer.                                                                                                                                                                             
TeeCee's Profile

In: Blair Atholl
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Thanks for all the input guys & gal!   I always try to learn from others mistakes before I make my own.                                                                                                                                                                             
Wills's Profile

In: New Brighton
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Makes my blood run a bit cold, this. Few years back on a long straight single carraigeway I pulled out to overtake two cars at once, only to have the rearmost car pull out himself just as I drew alongside him. The charge along the grass verge that followed was a real brown underpants job, believe me. I got away with it, but I reckon the guardian angel was keeing a close watch on me that afternoon. With hindsight I should have braked when he started to move, I suppose.                                                                                                                                                                             
Hull750Rider's Profile

In: Hull
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Never assume a drivers seen you before an overtake!                                                                                                                                                                             
crowcat's Profile

In: chesterfield
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car driver at fault no contest probably got thier liscence out of a cornflakes packet seen this lots of times brake light indicate car was aware but pulled out any way motor way driving or what!!cupid stunt!!                                                                                                                                                                             
Deleted Member's Profile
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hm, I see this often when giving lessons in car. the car driver in vid certainly got too close before committing to overtake, maybe checked interior mirror split second before moving out, bike was already out of view of that, maybe out of view of door mirror too, in blind spot, if you're on 2 wheels, expect this and keep an escape route open by either being able to brake or accelerate, this one was too late
RustyKnight's Profile

In: Newton Aycliffe
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rushwind can you explain that escape route a bit more. I watched the vid a few times and he's in mid overtake when the car hits him, how could the rider have created an escape route? I'm always weary when overtaking but any advice from someone teaching a car driver would be very useful. What are car drivers taught these days in relation to bikes? Geek                                                                                                                                                                              
micksaway's Profile

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Car drivers fault but who ends up on the deck. They are safely sealed from outside world with radio and phone or eating doing makeup or limitless other distractions. As soon as the car started to move you got two choices.Gun it or brake hard and hope the muppet behind as noticed whats going on. And people wonder why lots of bikers have race cans fitted                                                                                                                                                                             
RustyKnight's Profile

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Must admit i'd be more inclined to slam the anchors on than increase my speed and risk of being hurt with it. Or maybe i'm thinking wrong?                                                                                                                                                                              
Deleted Member's Profile
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Have to agree with XK on this one,treat all car drivers as inconsiderate tw*ts and then when you do encounter one your better prepared.                  Having had to recently renew my cbt i was suprised at the changes to 'classroom instuction' compared to 2 years ago.In all honesty i don't know if this is because i used a different training school this time or if it is due to changes over the past two years,but i do know a lot of emphasis this time round was placed on defensive driving.I thought between the training i have already recieved,2 years road experiance and all the great advice given by various experianced bikers i was pretty genned up,the defensive riding instuction was a real eye opener tho and gave me a different perspective alltogether.        I would strongly recommend that anyone who hasan't recieved specific defensive riding instuction,no matter how long you have held your liscence,seriously consider it now,it may just save your life.Geek                                                                                                                                                                             
RustyKnight's Profile

In: Newton Aycliffe
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*Have to agree with XK on this one,treat all car drivers as inconsiderate tw*ts and then when you do encounter one your better prepared*

I'm a car driver, you callin me a tw*t? lol

Who does defensive riding instruction, where and how much does it cost? Geek
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I drive a bus,what would that make me thenShockedLOL PM sent re instuctionThumbs Up                                                                                                                                                                             

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