Why can't i find Into the Vally on the calendar
At a guess, you or anyone else hasn't submitted the details for it to be added
I just presumed it would be on the calender as it is on the events page
Well did get here, a bit late as usual, but did get the tent up, couldn't be bothered to blow up air bed so left it flat, it was an absolutely brilliant night and despite the cold managed to sleep ok,
Deleted Member
Oops , Same issues Why can't i find Into the Vally on the calendar
I think it's because it crosses over from one month into another, it doesn't show in either when you view the months, you need to look at the whole year.
It’s there Bill go on event click back to April and click on 29th ….opens up
Deleted Member
Nice bumping into some of You's :)
Great meeting you Sven