Deleted Member
I’ve never been to a rally but i’d like to ..I have seen the three tribes one mentioned on Facebook. Has anyone been and is it any good? I have no idea what to expect 😀
Never say you haven't been to a rally before lol
Deleted Member
Kool kawasaki, l am sure these people will make you welcome & until you try, you'll never know..😊
Deleted Member
I was at the first bulldog, when it was a bikes only affair, open fires etc and it was fabulous, a crazy start to rallying & l loved it..
Deleted Member
JP...why shouldn't I say that I'm a rally virgin?
Because you will end up being dragged round the site having eggs and god knows what tipped over you lol
Deleted Member
Will second JP on that. NEVER admit your a rally virgin.....anything can happen as an initiation. Especially if the beers have been flowing.
Should be a good laugh though, go it will be fun.
KK you've let the cat out of the bag well and truly! Chances are there'll be plenty of friendly BM members at Yorkshire Rock and Bike in August, and ditto the Unwanted club's rally in Burton in July.
Its a good venue. I went last year. Great bands on. You would deffo have a good time