Big vs Small

9 Posts | Latest reply on 04/05/2017 20:22:50 by nickscafe | Go to original / last post
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Rideouts that is:)

Personally I love riding with a small group, 6 to no more than 8 is pretty perfect for me. Easy to stay in touch and go and stop where you want.

On the other hand, I *really* hate large group riding. Oh the camaraderie and variety of machinery is wonderful, but everyone seems to ride too close, the groups stretches too far out, and you spend more time watching out for all the bikes around you than enjoying the ride and the scenery.

So I generally avoid the mass rally and charity runs for that reason.
What do you prefer?
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Yes I agree with that, 6-8 is a nice number to ride with, easier to keep moving without be a hazard to other motorists and safer.
 The larger groups are ok for raisng money for charities but not that enjoyable as a riding experience.                                                                                                                                                                             
Lindsay's Profile

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As a pilly I enjoy both equally for different reasons.    Large groups rideouts, charity runs are fab for meeting those people you see on the odd occasion throughout the year and you also get the 'feel good factor' for taking part in these.    Smaller group rideouts happen virtually every weekend; getting larger and smaller on a weekly basis depending on availabilty of the friendship group.  It's great riding out with friends as everyone knows each other, the banter is wicked and the the riding is usually at a 'progressive' pace.Thumbs Up  Basically just ride, any time, any place, any weather!Wink
jinx57's Profile

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Purely my preference,but happiest just me and a pillion.. i will ride in groups ,any size no problem,and have to say i love the 'shock value' of large groups riding through a small village or town,as the locals stand and stare...but with a group there is 'always one' who thinks they have something to prove..pros and cons for all circumstances,as long as it's on 2 wheels with an engine. .Thumbs Up                                                                                                                                                                             
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One of my bikes is an air-cooled RD350, and I used to regularly go to the club rallies in Derby.

On the Friday nights we'd have a chip-shop run from Derby to Ashbourne - around 50/60 2 strokes, probably half with expansion chambers on - riding through the villages to get there, and then another rideout with maybe 100 bikes to Matlock on the Saturday afternoon.

The shock value of that, with the sound and smell was something to behold, particularly with a few drops of Castrol R in the tank:)

The downside was riding with people you didn't know, and some locals who knew the roads better under-taking you on the inside of bends. A little mad...
feistygirl's Profile

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Never been keen on large rideouts due to a couple of bad experiences in my early riding years.  Now I only go out in small groups with people that I trust. Thumbs Up                                                                                                                                                                             
madscots's Profile

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Touring has been about 6 bikes for best smooth riding.  12 or 13 is ok if you set ground rules before you ride and people make an effort.

But i ran 23 BM members to Germany before and not a problem is folk pay attention and listen Thumbs Up
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The group I ride with varies in size, depending on availability. Like who's working or laying in hospital, broken.

Some of us ride like complete loons and get there before the others, some of us ride in the slower group and meet up where we're going. There's always two groups of us, it works fine, the plodders know they don't have to ride like the hooligans so they don't even try. Smile

I don't mind the size of the group just as long as they don't mind if some go fast or some go slow, just ride at your own pace.

nickscafe's Profile

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With PMR / Bluetooth headsets for radio comms, keeping in touch with each other has never been easier. I think it makes a big difference if riders agree on a structure first - or even a brief with larger groups. I guess I prefer a lead and tail. Good formation riding is safer and easier to manage with other road users.
Leaving the ego at home, helps Thumbs Up
I'm still surprised by the number of motorcycle congas. Not a fan of those...!
If it's done well, group size shouldn't matter.

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