Hi Cook1e
Brave post, thanks for the opportunity to respond. One thing I would say is that we are all different so I can only comment from my perspective. My thoughts:
- we are here for all sorts of reasons, not everyone is looking for a relationship. A proper read of a profile will hopefully give an indication
- I'm still getting to grips with nods. In my mind I've now decided a nod is the same as a nod out on the road would be. If someone nods at me, I will now nod back. But I admit I haven't always done that as I didn't really know what to do to start with
- I would always respond to a message, honestly. I make it clear that I'm not in the market for a relationship at the moment, but am really enjoying chatting to people. I tend to assume people are just being chatty/friendly unless the message suggests otherwise .
- I can see who has looked at my profile and I can understand people might look two or three times and never contact. It's perfectly possible to click through onto a profile accidentally. I know, I've done it
- by the time I've been viewed 5 or more times and still no contact, that feels a bit like voyeurism or even stalking...
Hope this helps