Firstly a big big commendation for Carol Nash and my underwriters GROUPAMA for the professional & diligent way they handled my claim for our accident in France a few months back. Very helpful and claim went through smoothly and the engineer (HOOPERS) sympathetic to the fact that our Calli 90th Anniversary edition, being one of three in the UK was ireplacable,it was repaired instead of being a write off. Claim was dealt with from start to completed repair in around two months despite a wait for parts from Italy.
TRAVEL INSURANCE..different matter...grr
Obv Sarah and I take out travel ins annually as we make several European trips on the bike and ensure we get BIKE specific insurance cover as many will not accept motorcycling.
TRAVEL INSURANCE DIRECT is useless do not entertain using them! It says claims dealt with in 30 days, our crash was in the first week of September and no news. The claim was handed to a claim handling company 'ONE CLAIMS' who are not sorting it all out in a decent time frame. We have rang many times and e mailed too, all to no avail. One time we rang we asked 'what is happening?...'awaiting photo's of damaged items' came the reply......issue there was we had not been asked to provide any and unaware lack of photographs were holding up the claim!
They do not reply to e mails other than to say its all underway! Meanwhile we are out of pocket for expenses, lost bookings, damaged gear et et. If this had happened in the summer or we hadnt been injured badly we potentially would have been unable to use our bike as the claim includes damaged crash helmets and clothing. Just not good enough huh.
Suffice to say it is with the insurance ombudsman who is looking into it all.
Anyone else had dealings with them?