Check your back brake mechanism

4 Posts | Latest reply on 19/12/2013 16:29:54 by Rider10 | Go to original / last post
TAB007's Profile

In: Rugby
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Last Sunday my back brake mechanism fell apart whilst I was out riding.  The shop that I purchased my bike from - Craigs Honda in Shipley, state that someone had tampered with my brakes.  The only place my bike has been when not in my garage is at Squires.  I don't believe anyone would or had the opportunity to tamper with them at Squires.  The only people to have tampered with my wheel is Craigs Honda, when they replaced my tyre as I had a puncture and they refuse to pay for the repairs. 
But I never checked it afterwards.
So learn from my costly mistake, and check, check, check! I obviously won't be shopping there again.
Rider10's Profile

In: Whitchurch, Shro
Posts: 81
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Crikey TAB... just seen your post here... You should have taken it further, reported it to trading standards or similar and got the bike inspected by another professional, even garages have inspectors to check out workmanship issues...and if that garage was a cosha business they have a duty of care, plus they could have saved a customer and the bad publicity for themselves by dealing with the problem promptly and as a matter of courtesy never mind from the more important issue of safety, you could have been killed or at least injured if you had not realised and needed to do an emergency stop or something... If it was me I would be spreading the word about such shoddy workmanship and lack of care, and for them to say that someone else had tampered with your brakes is a nonsense... its just not done. For all their macho image bikers are a close knit and friendly section of the community and would go out of their way to help a fellow rider, something you don't find with four wheel users... Anyway hope your all sorted and back on the road again ok Wink ... Hope you all ready for the festive season and PARTTTTYYYY times Ride safe pretty lady, and stay shiney side up... John x

BigRay's Profile

In: Otley
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Right or e-mail to Honda UK and explain what happened and if the are Honda dealer the met act on your behalf                                                                                                                                                                              
Rider10's Profile

In: Whitchurch, Shro
Posts: 81
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Too right BigRay... there are far too many shoddy so called bike  "specialists" around who dip under the covers, and who charge extortionate hourly rates for poor workmanship, I've had similar work carried out by so called "main" dealers in the past which was substandard, but luckily nothing as dangerous as to affect the braking system.
No wonder more and more riders are buying workshop manuals and doing their own repairs or servicing wherever possible, I know I do these days, unless its something that needs specialist factory tools and skills needed to carry out such as setting up ECU etc... Mechanical no problem, if something is broke you can usually see its broke, but electrics and computer driven things no way....hahaha                                                                                                                                                                             

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