Who's in the wrong?

8 Posts | Latest reply on 15/10/2013 23:27:45 by Deleted User | Go to original / last post
Deleted Member's Profile
Deleted Member

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so this has been going around recently so i thought id put it on here and find out what you think.... i think both the guy in the landrover and the 'bikers' ( put it in this because i dont think that bikers  would do what these did) are in the wrong what do you all think.....

Deleted Member's Profile
Deleted Member

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i think the bikers shouldnt of pulled in front and slowed down but i also think he shouldnt of ran over the other bikes aswell and i dont think it should of been settled the way it was                                                                                                                                                                              
JP's Profile

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I watched this and to be honest the bikers were trying to intimedate the range rover and prevoking him but his actions were I belive pure panick. I was involved in a road-rage incedent that put me in hospital for a week and off work for almost a year I still have bad time not very often now but still happens. If anybody tryed to hijack my truck I WILL DRIVE OVER THERE CAR / VAN AND THEM. There is no doute in my mind that if it was not for a group of drivers waiting to unload that came to my aid they would have killed me
Deleted Member's Profile
Deleted Member

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The Range Rover driver had no idea about the intentions of the first  bike rider who unnecessarily slowed right down infront of him. Car-jacking does go on and being in the US any of those guys on bikes may have been carrying a weapon. I think that those idiots on bikes got off lightly as there are many people in the 'States who would have taken out the rest of them as well.
Please note: I deliberately avoided using the term 'biker'. These were just yobs on two wheels....we get them here in the UK too.
Phil s's Profile
Phil s

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Looking at the guy slowing down in front of the range rover he seemed to be doing it very very deliberately (look at his head turned around). To me the guy panicked. The bikers were, well acting in a pretty damned feral manner.

Found that apparently 3 of those arrested were NYPD !.

A video that I may have found on here from 2011 seems to show a bit of a different culture to the UK.  Worth a watch.

xj's Profile

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I make the guy spot on. it was a deliberate attempt to slow him/ stop him. he had his daughter in the car and to be honest I would react the same, biker or not there is no way I would stop and I would drive over anybody if I thought my family was at risk. the only thing he did wrong was not driving to a police station, but in a strange town he may not have known where it was.
Deleted Member's Profile
Deleted Member

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I'm with you XJ ....spot on, wife and children are precious and need protection. 
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Deleted Member

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