Sorry dudes xxx

10 Posts | Latest reply on 14/09/2007 07:49:11 by scattygal35 | Go to original / last post
scattygal35's Profile

In: Harlow
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Hi all, Hope that you all are keeping well, soz for not being on here lately as ive been in the depths of despair (sorry) due to my beloved black siamese cat being hit by some b*****d in a car and died instantly so obviously been very very upset abt it - he left a brother who is missing him terribly as he keeps miaowing for him all the time so...... i was wondering do any cat lovers on here know anyone with a adult cat to give away? as i have asked around -no joy!  And i know of some siamese cats wanting a good home but cant find any in my area as I would like a siamese or a burmese moggy any colour will do as long as freddie is happy again i know its an unusual request on here but thanks for any comments re this it would be appreciated dudes xxxx                                                                                                                                                                             
Blueboy955i's Profile

In: Darlington
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Scatty,   Sorry to hear about your cat, I'm a cat-lover and know what it's like to lose a beloved moggy.   The cat's protection league might be a good starting point and most of my cat's have come from there.   I know it sounds harsh, but at least your cat dies instantly and didn't suffer.    Hope you find a new moggy to give a good hope to.   Keep smiling   Big smile                                                                                                                                                                             
Matt's Profile

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sorry to hear that - I remember when my cat was run over, it was awful :-(   Hope you find a new friend for your cat soon - but be careful it's not too soon as he might not take too well to a new friend just now.                                                                                                                                                                             
scattygal35's Profile

In: Harlow
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Thanks Blueboy and Matt, I will take it from there... Thanks Matt, it's difficult to know when a cat wants a new companion as they cant talk can they! I  sure do think  Freddie will accept another new companion as he  was used to Sooty from birth until his death last week, so I think he misses cuddling up to him as they used to sleep together awww - i will see what happens when i get a new cat maybe keep them seperate for a few days etc see what happens.... Its not nice when you lose a moggy - I'm finding that out now thats for sure Unhappy  Any other comments welcome...... xxxxx                                                                                                                                                                             
Sandi's Profile

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  Awww that's sad, brought a lump to my throat. Cry   Big hug Hugfor you Scatty and I hope you find a suitable companion for Freddie                                                                                                                                                                                
scattygal35's Profile

In: Harlow
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Thanks Kwak darling, It will take a while to get over Sooty as ive never been in this situ before and he was my favourite too sob sob! Cry  (sorry!!!!!!!!)                                                                                                                                                                             
Mazza's Profile

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Awww Scat sorry to hear about your moggy Hug my one went missing in March and has never been found even though he was chipped Cry I miss him terribly but so did his brother, he has settled down now though!   I already had a cat and when these two little ones came into the home the other one would not come in for 6 months. I had to feed her outside in the garden. But it was getting colder and I finally stopped. She is fine now but very rarely ventures upstairs, although she used to sleep on my bed LOL   I would wait for a little bit before getting another one as they bond with the one who is there and when another cat comes in tend to be territorial just a word of caution there Big smile                                                                                                                                                                             
storm's Profile

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awwww scat an Freddie  sending you both healing hugs, and a rainbow of light to iluminate and ease you through your sadness, im sorry to hear of your loss thoughts are with you.                                Hug                                                                                                                                                                             
xshastax's Profile

In: Peterborough
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I'm so sorry to hear about you cat :( As far as getting an adult cat, I can recommend Woodgreen Animal Shelter in Godmanchester, near Huntingdon. My dog came from there and all they ask for is a donation, they often have older animals looking for homes. Hug                                                                                                                                                                             
scattygal35's Profile

In: Harlow
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thanks dudes! have started to perk up a wee bit now funny ive realised when you lose someone or a pet, you go through shock, weeping and wailing, then anger, then calmness..... weird! Anyway, will follow your advice and check out huntingdon rescue centre etc so once again, THANKS! Hug                                                                                                                                                                             

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