High-milage newbie

15 Posts | Latest reply on 15/09/2013 16:07:18 by Plumbski | Go to original / last post
Lincoln_Imp_88's Profile

In: Bangor
Posts: 16
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Hi Guys,

Thought I'd pop in here and post a message as it looks like a really friendly place!

So, a little about me... I'm Dafydd (no jokes, heard em all) originally from Wales, but now a student over in Lincoln. I commute... For various reasons and put about 10K a year on my bikes... mostly on my little 250. I also have a big old Kwak 550 so I guess I'm a tractor driver! Don't like riding all that fast, love sight seeing on my bikes and making videos with a helmet cam.

I confess I did join this site for dating, but it looks like a great place to chat and find biking events, etc.

So, nice to meet you all!

Emzed's Profile

In: Pickering
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  A huge BM welcome Dafydd Handshake   You've made great choice & a good start Thumbs Up   Hope to see you at a meet or event sometime Approve   Meanwhile have a good browse on the events calendar Wink   And check out the forums for meets and events not on the calendar yet Thumbs Up                                                                                                                                                                               
Lindsay's Profile

In: Leeds
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Welcome onboard the crazy train, take a seat and hold on. Did the ticket guy explain that you got the one way ticket to madness n mayhem, no return journey on this train!

have a look around n join in the fun!

Lindsay xx                                                                                                                                                                             
Lincoln_Imp_88's Profile

In: Bangor
Posts: 16
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Hi Emzed, cheers for the welcome - this site looks like a lot of fun actually and a great chance to meet others who aren't in my club or facebook list:) I'll be sure to keep up to speed on the events!

Lindsay... Oh wow, a one way ticket... hell! Madness and mayhem though? Count me in...

Cheers guys!

kaycat's Profile

In: radcliffe Manche
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hi Dafydd  welcome to bm jump in enjoy Wink                                                                                                                                                                             
Karey's Profile

In: Barnsley
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Hi Dafydd

Welcome to the madhouse  *ahem* I mean BM! Thumbs Up

Get yourself down for some events/ride outs/meets.. look out for the one's sitting on the train licking windows.. or those polishing the shiny buckles on their nice white jackets...funny how the buckles are  always on the back ..ErmmWacko....LOL                                                                                                                                                                             
Deleted Member's Profile
Deleted Member

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A very warm welcome to BM Lincoln_Imp _88, we really are a very friendly bunch of folks here and im sure you will meet and make lots of friends . Try to get yourself to one of the meets, a great place to start is the Kiss rally this Friday, or failing that theres the Hallowistmas party in November ..You will receive a lovely welcome... Enjoy..Thumbs Up                                                                                                                                                                                   
Lincoln_Imp_88's Profile

In: Bangor
Posts: 16
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Aww thanks for the welcome guys! Madhouse or not it certainly seems like a nice place so far! I'll see what I can do about getting to events, but I am going to be time limited this autumn. Boo. Some more local ride-outs or local events would be wicked though... maybe I'll have to set something up!

:) cheers!

Plumbski's Profile

In: Sandy Cove
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Hello Dafydd, welcome and enjoyBeer                                                                                                                                                                             
Lincoln_Imp_88's Profile

In: Bangor
Posts: 16
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Cheers Plumbski! I'm still finding my way around here but it seems like a nice place :D                                                                                                                                                                               
Plumbski's Profile

In: Sandy Cove
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There seems to be lots going on, loads of meets, ride outs etc. And everybody that I have met, seem to be very nice, but thats bikers for you, theres a few mad women on GBNP for one, but she's alright really, just keep her at arms length and you'll be OKThumbs Up                                                                                                                                                                             
Lindsay's Profile

In: Leeds
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Oi ! Wotcha sayin .. ?!

Ignore @plumbski, his medication kicks in after 8.30pm ...so all will be fine.

Enjoy the site Dafydd n get yourself out n about, meet the inmates n steer clear of blokes from Mold, n you will be just dandy! Lol.
Plumbski's Profile

In: Sandy Cove
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I rest my caseBig smile                                                                                                                                                                             
Lindsay's Profile

In: Leeds
Posts: 15143
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touché ...Thumbs Up

Battle lines drawn ...  Confused

I think this may be a highway to a danger zone! Ermm                                                                                                                                                                             
Plumbski's Profile

In: Sandy Cove
Posts: 962
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Great song that was, do you remember the feeling when you first sat down in the pictures to watch Top Gun, them days are gone now, with these multiplexes the atmosphere has just gone                                                                                                                                                                             

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