I keep getting the following pop-up whenever I click to view another page
' is not responding due to a long running script'
and it also has a ' stop script' icon next to it, once I press this, or just wait a few minutes, the page frees up and I can then move on, but it happens EVERY time I try to view a page, it's even happening on the calendar; which is making my job a bit difficult, taking me twice as long to edit events Zzzz
Help please?
Right, I now know it's MY COMPUTER

and not the site
I suddenly developed the same problem Sandi.
Deleted Member
Me too Sandi, for the last week now..grrr..takes ages to get to the next page regardless of what forum im on, its not my comp cos other places i visit are quite speedy.. i get the same msg as you ..x
I've got exactly the same problem as you guys, just with BM though, all other websites appear ok.
Is it a problem with BM or my computer ????
My been doing it for the passed week too, since I had a update from microsoft
Me too but its only on BM take an age to do anything on BM but not had any updates.
Is there a simple fix at this end or is it a site problem as there are a few with the same issue
It will probably be the server system, firewall, interrogation, illegal interrogation is someone hacking the system to find out about a person. It could be a person within the server, `checking out stats, cookeys or Mi5 looking for some one. we will never know who will press the buttons unless its got a number on it!!!
Have you watched the Planet of the Apes! don't forget we are all Monkeys with keyboards and some know how to press keys better than others!!
I'v been getting the same problem on Internet Explorer with this site, i have to click on stop running script to get the page, other site are ok,
But if i connect on Mozilla Firefox it all works ok
I am OK on Google at the moment, until people come in and the lines, servers get loaded, Probably tea time!! `Mozilla Firefox is a good one Bill, not as much traffic.
I posted in the main forum, (sorry admin didn't see this)
"ok I have found that clicking the compatibility icon in the address bar helps but then you get the message about rich text. but the site is quicker"
a hell of a lot quicker
Deleted Member
It works for me, cheers mow
I don't want to faff about with firefox I just want to be able to 'turn' pages at first click like before, it's driving me feckin doolally

If I'm slow to repy to messages, or add your event to the calendar, this is why.
I thought it was my computer because I'm experiencing the same thing on other sites.
Totally confused and fed up lol
Well... as there are so many of us experiencing this, it can't be the individual pc. I only experience this on BM at the mo....
from my quick investigation it seems that this is a MICROSOFT INTERNET EXPLORER ISSUE.
Some updates have been applied to IE which are screwing up Javascript applications (not just on BM but many, many website).
This includes for example the Google ads that rotate around BM and also the facebook 'like' buttons etc at the bottom of every page.
Using Google Chrome fixes the issue. It's a microsoft bug, not a BM issue.
For now I'll disable the google ads and facebook scripts to see how it goes
Seems to run better now....
Deleted Member
Yayyy...brilliant..thank you Matt...x
So much quicker now, thanks Matt.
...For now I'll disable the google ads and facebook scripts to see how it goes
Wonderful! thanks Matt, it's back to its usual speedy self, no more piggin' clickin' on the icon