Support our troops!!

5 Posts | Latest reply on 09/06/2013 13:38:27 by Elflady | Go to original / last post
DukeZ's Profile

In: Wigan
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Bring em home.

All of them.


(so that not one more kid needs to die).                                                                                                                                                                             
jinx57's Profile

In: Leonard Stanley
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agree wholeheartedly,and once we're out,nuke it flatter than a carpark.....just my opinion...they will just revert to murdering each other for control of the place,let them keep it..Thumbs UpNuke                                                                                                                                                                             
DukeZ's Profile

In: Wigan
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Seems like some subjects are just too serious for most people on this site! expected a lot of support for this statement and also a lot of ppl asking questions or proposing an alternative?

Er...jinx, not quite what i had in mind really.  do we have the right to make life and death decisions for millions of innocent people? cos thats what it seems we are doing now.........interfering in the internal affairs of other countries!  As Billy Bragg sang in one of his songs;

" you can fight for democracy at home, but not in some foreign land"

My point overall was to say maybe if we stopped f*****g around in other peoples business, maybe they would leave US alone as well.  Terrorist don't just spring up out of nothing and decide to blow something up/ murder somebody/ hijack a plane etc.  There's usually a VERY good reason why they exist.

And dont forget; the french resistance were considered by the Germans to be terrorists! all depends on ur persective. but they murdered/bombed/hijacked/robbed and even killed their own people when they thought it necessary for 'the struggle'.

But like i say, maybe this is waaaaaaaaaay too serious for people on this site. perhaps i should ask the admins to open a serious room/forum.                                                                                                                                                                             
Inspector Gadget's Profile
Inspector Gadget

In: Oxon
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By 2020, the cost of the Afghanistan war will be at least £40bn, enough to pay 5,000 nurses for their whole career or fund free tuition for all college students for 10 years.
A year ago many anti war demonstrators including ex service men and women marked the death of the 300th British soldier with a vigil saying: "Bring the troops home!"
These most recent deaths have brought the total to more than 400 - and still the government dithers. How many more - 600, 700 - will it take before we accept that the Afghan people don't want us and never wanted us in their country?
What have we got to show for a 10-year war:
- A corrupt government led by Karzai
- 8,000 Afghan civilians killed and thousands more injured
- The sight of coalition soldiers burning the Koran while Pakistani security forces fuel the bloodbath
- A flourishing Afghan drug trade which we are powerless to stop.
Like Iraq and Libya, we leave behind a broken country and a people who have learnt to hate what we stand for.
For the Afghan people who continue to suffer, for the sake of the next 100 to die, bring the troops home now.
Elflady's Profile

In: Flitwick
Posts: 56
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I agree troops home now, what cost in life limb and sanity, and for what? Even the might of the Russian Army knew they were defeated in Afghanistan in the 1980's and pulled out. I imagine when coalition troops pull out of Afghan, it will eventually return to Taliban rule, and all will be in vain. I believe that both my Grandads suffered combat related PTSD as a result of action in WW2. I've an ex army friend and he suffers combat PTSD, it was hearing of this got me involved as a Poppy Appeal Collector for the Royal British Legion. After The Falklands more veterans committed suicide than were killed in the conflict itself. I believe that the biggest threat today is from home grown terroists, the likes of Anjem Choudery grab the attention of young men and convert them to radical Islam. Look at the Woolwich killers, I believe both were from Nigerian Christian families, but were radicalised by Choudery. I know maybe it's a bit like martial law, but I believe that we should have our military on duty at airports, sea ports and mainline international railway stations to look out for known/suspected terrorists, I know I'd feel safer if I was to fly, knowing that our government were doing everything possible to root out terrorism.                                                                                                                                                                                         

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