Spring Fever :/

18 Posts | Latest reply on 21/03/2013 04:16:22 by Deleted User | Go to original / last post
rockchickeelicious's Profile

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Possibly just the mad ramblings of an overtired RockChickee.. and I do wonder if Insurance Companies have done any research into this but.. 

It seems that everywhere I go.. I'm hearing of folk having off's on thier bikes.. is this because we're all just so damn excited that we can finally get out after being cooped up the long long long Winter.. or is it just coincidence... 

Lawrence text me last night.. not the kind of text I wanted to read bless him...

Wenders.. as you know.. 

Now Johnny...

I dropped mine last week and I@m still not absolutely sure how it happened.. 

One of the lads down on the Quay.. he won't be riding for a wee while...

Was out riding this weekend and the lady in the cafe told of 14 fatalities on that "very same road out there" ~ four since the snow disappeared and the same spot where I mentally said "ohholyshitwronggear"  

A lad in the pub yesterday lunchtime telling his tale of dinting the front of a car.. 

and today.. overheard a woman slagging "bikers" off after narrowly missing one... 

Sooooooooooooooo is it coincidence.. or are my ears just more acutely awaring of Biker stories the more I get into it.. or are there some biking folk out there who are suffering from Spring Fever and not being as careful as they should.. (and no I do not mean Lawrence.. Wenders or Johnny) or is it simply we are hearing of more accidents because by ratio there are more riders out there actually riding than there was last month and the month before... 

JP's Profile

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No its the roads,  becuse of the condition there in                                                                                                                                                                             
OMNF's Profile

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I think its probably a mixture RockChickee. You'll always have bikers who dont ride to the conditions, as JP says the roads are apalling at the minute and you'll definitely be more aware of people discussing bikers. I went to work on Bronson yesterday. Was a lovely ride there but when finishing at 10pm it was less so. It was icey and foggy. My ride consists of country roads with few other road users so i stuck well below the speed limit and was very cautious on bends. I found myself being very conscious that i was alone. I think i passed 3 other vehicles on my 20 mile journey. I'm itching for spring to hurry up and arrive!!!!                                                                                                                                                                             
Deleted Member's Profile
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I have said in another forum that the amount of salt on the roads won't be helpful to bike riders, although it does reduce the risk of ice forming on the surface, it does however present another hazard. Not being an integral part of the road surface, it is therefore liable to cause a loss of grip at speed through bends due mostly to an accumulation on tyres and also the road itself. It is just a question of being mindful of this and riding accordingly, you wouldn't go around a bend at 40-50 mph on an icy road, why attempt it when you have less adhesion to the road through salt accumulation on and in the tread of the tyre.
Wills's Profile

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I'd also suggest that people took enough warm clothing out with them in this weather. Sunday was a case in point, it started off brilliantly but got grey and chilly as the day wore on. 
Someone out for the whole day who'd dressed for the morning sunshine could have been caught out as the temperatures dropped. A touch of hypothermia can cloud your judgement and slow your reactions - add to the mixture the things the other folk have suggested and you've got all the ingredients for an accidentCry
Which is not, by the way, any sort of a dig at those who've had painful experiences over the last few days.                                                                                                                                                                             
Deleted Member's Profile
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i agree with all the above and JP and 66 spot on that is exaclty what happened to my bike tyres on sunday.... i could actually feel no movement from my tyres and i rode (stupidly i hasten to add) at 50 round many corners bt i could jus tell i wasnt in touch with the tarmac under me properly it just didnt feel right the touch with the tarmac defo not there   its just not good and i think the car drivers are not so inclined to be happy to see us out there... i got the impression they didnt want me to pass .. not all car drivers were like this bt more than usually are....   i also think they have gone totally overboard with all the freckin salt this year... ive never ever seen it soooo piled up at sides of roads and in middle reservations where you go to turn right or left......... i think they are overkill on the salt so they dont get slagged off for icy roads.... its darn ridiculous tho adn is it really necessary... i woke to a very minor frost this morning bt the grittes were out in force again last nigth to add yet more to the piles on the road Angry   we need a darn good downpour or two of rain to get rid of it all .... and hopefuly no more ice forecast or them fredkin gritters will be out in force agan ffs lmfao Thumbs Down   unless i get really desperate.... my bike is stayin put till the roads clear up a bit ie no salt shite on em..... bikes need tyre grip                                                                                                                                                                              
rockchickeelicious's Profile

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Loving all these comments.. and can relate too... 

This is my first year riding after a Winter.. and this weekend every time we stopped I just kept saying "something doesn't feel right" but I couldn't put my finger on it.. checked tire pressure the weekend before so knew it wasn't that.. and to be honest.. just thought I'd lost my nerve a little... 

I just knew it felt "icky" for want of a better word.. and thankfully.. I did drop my speed.. although it wasn't a concious decision.. I just didn't feel comfortable to push her that little bit more like the last days of Summer... 

Reading all your comments.. I'm kinda glad I didn't! 

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You could always borrow Ellie's stabilisers...WinkLOL                                                                                                                                                                             
Sailingbiker's Profile

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Lots of reasons I think. For sure the roads are in a crap state, lots of salt still around, loose stuff moving out of the pot holes and for those of you just emerging from hibernation dare I say perhaps just a little too excited to be back out on the road transport of the gods! (Or maybe a little rusty)

I ride all year round and during the winter there are times when 'things just don't feel right'. Can't put my finger on it but I defiantly have days when man, machine and road are not in perfect harmony. Time to slow down, get home and put the kettle on. There will be many more good days to come.

Saw a sticker once 'Never ride faster than your guardian angel can fly'
Deleted Member's Profile
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I have ridden all year round but this year there seems to be so much sand and gravel on the roads up here..... I think the council put lots more into the grit to make the salt go further.... There is piles of the stuff in some areas..... As I found out...funny though after my accident it was cleaned up by the next day! Road has been swept clean..... Coincidence..I think not! I was just turning out of the end of my street.... Hadn't even straightened up not more than 10 mph less I would say.... But cold tyres crap on the road possibly some black ice but looked dry..... Who knows......just take care out there and ride as carefully as you can....
JP's Profile

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Think your right there johnny higher mix saving money. ok when its snow or ice but as soon as it drys out the fun starts hopefully now its raining again it will wash the rest away and clear the crud off                                                                                                                                                                              
Harley_Rider's Profile

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I live out in the sticks and there is a DEFINITE increase in gritty stuff! I'm starting to see it in the daylight, but once you hit dusk or an early morning you have to try to remember!   There is also a HUGE increase in the amount of potholes around, loosend up by the recent snow and ice that we've experienced.   The best recommendation is to reduce your speed by a few MPH and be more alert.   Being on a heavy HD is no fun when your bike starts to slide!!                                                                                                                                                                              
Steve_H's Profile

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The thing is I liked all the salt and grit when it allowed me to drive the car - as opposed to sitting in the car with the wheels going round but me stationary.
The potholes are a bugger but we know they are there and the local councils can't afford to fix them all properly because they have had to spend so much money on road salt!
So in conclusion buy a big traillie and pretend your riding in the third world Beer

OMNF's Profile

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It's true! It's brightening up out there! ... and it's scheduled posts time! Thought this was quite apt! LOL                                                                                                                                                                             
rsvfelix's Profile

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Hey guys. I agree with what your all saying about the conditions of the roads, but has anyone looked at there tyre pressures? Although ther is a lack of grip an salt all over the road it's also been really cold and will take longer to get your tyres up to temp. I've found over the years to drop a couple of psi out they feel fine an stable even cold. Eg. Normally I run at 31f/33r winter drop to 29f/31r. It works for me not had any issues. Any one else tryed this? Suppose it depends on your tyers to tho, I am on hyper sport Diablo super corsers ( which never the less are crap in the rain)
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well rsvfelix i did check me tyre pressures....... a bit toooooo late than i shoulda Embarrassed... still ya live and learn ... maybe i was havin a moment!! fair play to me bike it didnt make any difference really apart from bein v sluggish... bt i thought that was jus harley's for ya LOL Embarrassed   anyhow i ride a diff bike to you so cant really comment on ya recommendations as i never have any problems in torrential rain or with cold tyres... bt maybe wait see what other sports bike riders ave to say Wink   and welcome toooo   p.s.... omnf ~ its still round that darn corner LOL xx                                                                                                                                                                             
rsvfelix's Profile

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Fair play xsuzix
I guess a lot depend on your riding style too, I've not ridden a Harley so can't comment on that. What I ment with the hyper sport tyers is they don't have tred to the edge of the tyer(basically a cut slick) so can't displace water. Would be good to see other sports bike riders comments to see what they use an what they think
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So the less 2 or 3 psi pressure in winter ensures more tread on the road in crap conditions....? Mmmhhh I know in racing they use very soft tyre pressures to begin but the heat builds up the pressure quickly.... However racing tyres have stronger side walls etc and are designed for this.....

But a lot of people run there tyres on the two up and luggage pressures which when riding solo does leave a lot less tread on the road where it needs to be..... And I am quilts of this as well on occasion.... Have on board tyre pressure readings now so problem solved..

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