idiots on the road

17 Posts | Latest reply on 20/08/2007 08:51:07 by tangoman60 | Go to original / last post
deadman's Profile

In: hull
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I know when riding your bike you tend to take more notice of what is going on around you. like what lanes you need to be in or other road users etc. why is it that most car drivers don't understand the rules of the road or just deside to ignore them. riding home from work today I found such an idiot. they couldn't deside which lane he wanted to be in for a roundabout we were approaching, so they straddled both lanes just to make sure they were 50% right. no  indication either. brand new car, so I assume the indicators work. then when we were on a good straight I desided to overtake when there was room and so did they as I was along side them. the look of shock on their face as they noticed me told the story. where did you come from? how is it that these people manage to get a licence and keep it? I thought that observation was part of the driving test?                                                                                                                                                                               
Matt's Profile

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yea - these days.  My grandad passed his test driving a fire engine down a runway in the RAF.... that give him a licence to drive on public roads for life!!!!   Kids ARE better drivers these days, at least the ones with licences.  Because they have to be.  It's the older half-wits that are the problem                                                                                                                                                                             
Matt's Profile

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And im not saying my grandad is half-wit though, im just saying how easy it used to be to get licences.  Not all of them were as smart as my grandad, so its no wonder we have such fools on the road these days.                                                                                                                                                                             
tangoman60's Profile

In: Weymouth
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theres always the idiot though this week a bloke was jailed for killin a unborn child he only passed his test about six months ago!the rds have plenty of kids drivin lie loons who have jus passed there test,phones in hand chompin mcdonalds an playin with the cd!!its a dangerous place an gettin worse sat nav is the newest distractin must ave gadget,also cd players that play dvds an mpgs!! fer fks sake!!its my worst nitemare someone overtkin round a bend on the wrong side grinnin like a idiot on the mobile phone drinkin[or snortin] a coke smokin a fag an changin his or her cd!!!!
Blueboy955i's Profile

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Don't get me started on this one dudes.  This is my pet-hate i.e. drivers who's ability deminishes over the years and continue to drive.  I, personally, believer that compulsary re-testing every ten years should be in place to make the old flat-cap brigade either more aware of current modern driving standards or have their license taken from them.   Although the modern use of mobile phones drives me potty as well.   Sadly, the government is never gonna take the correct steps to avoid the appaling standards of some motorists, so I guess we just have to be more aware ourselves.                                                                                                                                                                             
deadman's Profile

In: hull
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retests aren't a bad idea, but I think before people are aloud to get behind the wheel, they should be made to ride for a year or more just to make them aware of how vunerable bikers are. another thing is all the people driving over here on international licences who don't understand our road laws or havn't gone through a test which is as hard as ours.
Mr Shaggy's Profile
Mr Shaggy

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one question;   who here would be able to pass the new test now,     car    or    bike   as someone who travels the country on a regular basis i would not be able to pass the new tests now, far to many bad habits.   except for over use of my mirrors   Mr Shaggy                                                                                                                                                                             
Wills's Profile

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I agree 100 per cent that the technical standard that new drivers have to meet is far higher than in earlier days, which can only be a good thing - and that's coming from someone driving/riding since the late 70s. There are always going to have to be trade-offs. Newly-qualified drivers can often need a couple of years post-test experience to gain the the instinctive knowledge of the way other drivers behave on the road - the kind of sixth sense that makes you just know that the car in front is going to swing right even though he's not signalling, or vice versa. In contrast drivers with 40-odd years on the road may well have sound instincts but a poor knowledge of traffic law and road signs cos the last time they read the Highway Code was the day the M1 opened... I reckon the retesting for older drivers will come, eventually, but if it's to be done realistically with a hope of improving road safety then ten-year intervals are far too infrequent. Perhaps a mini-test concentrating only on those areas where older drivers are often found wanting, and every couple of years or so after some cut-off age. 70? 75? I dunno. It was, incidentally, the insurance company that prodded my dad into giving up driving in his late 70s, even though he had a claim-free record of over 50 years. Food for thought there? Of course, you can train people, and encourage good instincts, as much as you like, but there's nowt you can do with the nutters on two wheels or four. Tailgating, mobile phoning, lunatic speeding - some people seem to be stuck with addictive behaviour and the only thing to do is throw the book at em before, rather than after, there's an accident. FWIW I always reckon that an experienced biker will be a better car driver anyway 'cos his/her survival instinct is that bit greater, which is waht deadman's saying, I suppose.                                                                                                                                                                               
deadman's Profile

In: hull
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thats it wills. it would make them aware that there are other people out on the roads that aren't in a protective cage. also it would give them more thought to actually looking properly before they pull out of a junction, overtake and any other manouver that they deside to make. its too late to say I shouldn't have done that after its gone wrong.Cry                                                                                                                                                                             
tangoman60's Profile

In: Weymouth
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anybody hate top gear as much as i  do with thier hands free driving techniqes hardly lookin at the rd gassin at a camera,wonder how many lives Clarkson has  ruined by his cavalier attitude ,in real life he is a very careful driver wiv no points on the show hes abullyin nutcase racin around country lanes settin a bad example an becomin rich cos of it ,i find myself screamin at them  to get both hands on the bloody wheel!!the hamster likes his bikes but hes still a twit!!                                                                                                                                                                             
Deleted Member's Profile
Deleted Member

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Agree with compulsary retest,but earlier and more frequently.My dads only 65 and shouldna be on the road!

Also think the cbt should be included in car test.

Sorry TM,love top gear,its just sooo funny
tangoman60's Profile

In: Weymouth
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an so yu should be!!!although i sometimes find certain things funny about it loved the one where they put slogans on there cars in usa an this woman was goin to get her  boys to sort em out!!loved to have seen clarkson get his arse kicked!!                                                                                                                                                                             
Blueboy955i's Profile

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I think Top Gear is okay, but I think Clarkson should be banished to the colonies especially after his comments about razor wire and bikers.  The man's a complete toss-pot.   Hammond and May are okay....they're bikers too.                                                                                                                                                                              
tangoman60's Profile

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crikey beginin to question wether i should be on the rd as cassies dad is only 5 yrs older!!!guess i am one of the ones who should be retested!!i had a break from ridin for a few yrs cos of family ,but dusted the old bird down and got back on after divorce!!i feel more alive an alert now!!i am not a speed freak jus cruise an enjoy the view,one bloke pulled out in front of me an i called him a old fart then thought he looked about my age!!!i do think sometimes what am i doin on this thing but its so pleusurable an fun bein free an not stuck in some traffic queue raisin my blood pressure,thinkin of gettin a newer bike [dyna glyde]whaddya reckon give up or keep goin???
Sandi's Profile

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                                                         KEEP GOING!!!                                                                                                                                                                             
Blueboy955i's Profile

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Keep going dude, age is irrelevant and you seem younger than you are.                                                                                                                                                                             
tangoman60's Profile

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cheers !!!Thumbs Up                                                                                                                                                                             

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