Well I still think that regardless of brand or price

Wiring anything else to come on with the ignition is a "bad" idea

Anything which draws extra unnecessary current from the battery whilst trying to start the engine is just plain crazy IMO

Particularly this American fetish of having the headlights wired in

I know some are supposed to have some kind of isolator to knock the light off whilst the starter is being activated
But that is no substitute for a "light switch"

I've lost count of the number of folk I've watched in car parks (and at home) completely flatten a battery trying to start a car with all the lights,heater,heated screens,wipers, foot on the brake not handbrake and lord knows how many other gizmo's turned on whilst doing so

Just turning all that crap off, on the odd occasion when some have allowed me to help, has got them started
Often the main culprit of low battery condition is short winter journeys
Cranking an engine over till it starts takes a hefty chunk out of the battery
A few of those, combined with very short trips (IE school runs,shop runs ) during winter months when lights are needed more than usual, will soon have a battery groaning
I have been told (by a reliable source) that it can take "up to 20 miles" to put back into a battery what you take out with 1 start

Not everyone thinks about the state of the battery till it cries enough and lets them down

And not everyone has a garage or shed, let alone a battery conditioner

So do your vehicles a favour this year, be it bike car or both, spare a thought for your poor old battery and give it a treat eh ?