Bike Getting Wet.

16 Posts | Latest reply on 12/08/2012 09:32:21 by Deleted User | Go to original / last post
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 This may seem stupid but I really don't know much about stuff like this.
If you forget to cover the bike and it gets soaked like in a downpour all day maybe when its outside your house or wherever, does the rain or water do much damage to the ignition bit? I know you can get protective covers for it but is there anything you need to do AFTER it has gotten wet? It has happened a few times with me and although the starter is fine and works etc I just worry that I maybe need to be putting something in it like lube or something???
Also when drying off the bike with a cloth where is best to concentrate on the most and make sure it is dry? I may need diagrams but I do have my wee Haynes manual so Im sure I can find where anyone says.
I really appreciate any help at all on this thanks guys and girls Smile
bluesbiker's Profile

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Hi lulu   I know listening to some of the harley riders they would probably tell you a bike should never get wet. Big smile   My last two bikes have never been garaged. never had a problem with water getting in or damp even. I do keep it under a cover for extended periods no being ridden tho. Main areas where people seem to get problems is when your riding in rain cus the waters been forced in more. using a water dispersive spray such as WD40 around exposed electrics like switch gear and ignition and plugs should cure that. Just mopping off any water droplets before you ride should be enough. Geek                                                                                                                                                                                                        
Riggy66's Profile

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At the risk of jinxing my lovely Hornet ...

She has been chained outside my house - unprotected - for over three years now. Anyone who has visited me will be able to tell you that I couldn't be in a more exposed spot. Whatever the Pennines have to throw at you weather-wise, my little 14-year-old Honda has had it. And (this is where I have everything crossed) she starts first time - every time. The only time she ever struggles is when I put in Censored fuel from Morrisons! lol

To be honest - it has probably more to do with the quality of the bike's build than anything else and your plastic and body will suffer more than ignition etc.                                                                                                                                                                             
JP's Profile

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As Bluesbiker says there are a few of us that dont like getting our bikes wet, but I have never had a problem with rain getting in the system's so try not to worry to much just means more cleaning if left out                                                                                                                                                                              
Deleted Member's Profile
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Oh thankyou everyone. I always have the bike covered when at home (no shed) so it is always protected from rain and snow etc but it is the rare times I am caught in work and cannot get out to cover the bike up is when it happens to get wet.
Cheers for the advice Big smile
centurion's Profile

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Modern bikes are pretty waterproof where it counts, not just against rain but road spray while your riding. That's not always been the case, memories of riding various Honda 4's in the 70's/80's and suddenly finding myself on a Honda 3 or even 2 as different cylinders cut out due to rain water in the ignition system Confused Still worth covering your baby whenever possible  to protect from rust and oxidation more than anything else
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Thankyou Centurion Smile
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and when you are at rallies and it pours on way over and then rains all weekend my bike has had many occasions when she has been out in the torrential rain all weekend and been ridden in torrential many times too and she has no problems at all   like others say - not ideal but if needs must the way i look at it if my bike cant handle it then she best have words with herself Wink - she well loved and gets teh sprays and polish she needs but she also has to be able to handle th rain after all its only water is way i look at it and she loves being ridden in teh rain Big smile   oh yearh... and yup she is a harley Wink - yours will be fine lulu - give it the right attention when back home and it can handle any weather - i would think worst affected in rain constant is keep eye on your chain Wink and spray all other electric bits to keep water out when you wash her, polish... etc job done                                                                                                                                                                              
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hmmm pressed submit twice so this is just to delete the other message .... pmsl enjoy ya bike chick                                                                                                                                                                              
christof's Profile

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if you put your bike in the shed or cover it after getting it wet and dont wash and dry it its better left wet outside. i know every one seems to use wd 40 but it do very little , but will ruin your brakes  all jap bikes ignition systems will work fine when wet,water does not cause the rust its oxigen and other chemicals that the water carries that cause rust. wash often and well ,  i have 5 bikes from 12 to 52 years old and no rust ,i ride all year round clocked up over40, 000 miles in 15 mths  if you take care of the bike it will take care of you .    regards  chris                                                                                                                                                                             
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 Thanks for that Suzi, thankfully my wee bike isn't caught in the rain too much, I seem to miss the showers when Im coming and going from work, thanks hon xx
Steve_H's Profile

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Rain is natures way of cleaning your bike....
Nurse says I need my medication now.
esspique's Profile

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It doesn't stop when you wash it does it?                                                                                                                                                                              
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Do YOU think it does esspique?
Emzed's Profile

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                                                            LOL                                                      Nice one Lulu Thumbs Up                                                                                                                                                                             
Deleted Member's Profile
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Just be careful spraying around that WD40 near the ignition system. most people don`t know it`s flammable. Scary eh.                                                                                                                                                                              

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