Filtering is good for the environment!

18 Posts | Latest reply on 14/06/2012 12:00:42 by Karey | Go to original / last post
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How can we get those bloody minded drivers to read this? You know the ones, 'If I'm stuck in traffic, everybody else should be. I can see a bike coming but I'm not letting them through!!' . . . . and thats just the ones who 'see' us!!                                                                                                                                                                             
BOBKAT's Profile

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Slidy I couldn't agree with you more, I've lost count as to how many times drivers actually pull in closer to the white line to prevent filtering.  I'm always courteous to drivers who visibly pull over to let me through.  I just don't understand the mentality of drivers that block bikers way - apart from they lacked cuddles as a child and are just angry grumpy people Angry   Thank you for highlighting that the Telegraph have interesting articles about biking, I clicked to read about the filtering and ended reading about the new guzzi cali lol.  If more standard tabloids ran this type of article about filtering it might make a wee dent in the thoughtless drivers.  Great thread Slidy Handshake                                                                                                                                                                             
old red's Profile
old red

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Very interesting study results, wonder if Mr Clarkson will highlight it on Top GearLOL.   Nice find SlidyThumbs Up.                                                                                                                                                                             
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Very interesting, cheers Slidy. Why do the politicians and bureaucrats still ignore this stuff?!Wacko                                                                                                                                                                             
Sandi's Profile

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  How can we get those bloody minded drivers to read this?   Print copies off and put them underneath screen wipers on cars and other road vehicles?   Notice boards in cafes and other places?   Motorcycle dealers?                                                                                                                                                                             
YZFJohn's Profile

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It's bike envy, I'm sure. LOL

@Bob's - trouble with your bike, it's like a tank coming through and probably scares most cars into panicking when they see you in their mirror! Especially with that Hat!!!! LOL

Riggy66's Profile

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Excellent thread Slidy - thank you.

Good suggestion Sandi - might just keep a couple in my bike jacket pocket to shove in through their car window (while they are 'parked' in the queue) next time some pillock thinks he's ever going to stop me getting past, lol.                                                                                                                                                                             
mizzi's Profile

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Very good find slidy!! My problem is I'm far too chicken to filter in the first place.... hav to admit i feel a bit guilty turning into work on the bike knowing i hav two lads in that are thankful for decent kit and knowing the medics are all sneakily checking my veins out for easy access...
Caution for all though-beware of numpties emergency stopping and smidsy's because u really dont want me nursing u at airedale lol                                                                                                                                                                             
SouthLondonPhil's Profile

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Posted this on my FB - brought up some interesting comments to say the least.
Living in south london, filtering is a way of life. Steel-toe capped DMs at the ready...                                                                                                                                                                             
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Rhetoric has its place Sandi. . . . Did you like reading the article though?   Good to see things like this highlighted by mainstream press.   I'll try putting it up in Motorcycle dealers (the tw*ts we want to read it don't frequent these places all that often)   Screen wipers . . . . . . . Litter bugs!   Cafes and other places? . . .next to the 'all day breakfast' menu?   If even one person reads the article and takes notice, it's a job well done!!!                                                                                                                                                                             
thehairyone's Profile

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Perhaps we should all bring it to the attention of our MP's /MEP's. (ducks beneath the parapet).

Sandi's Profile

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  Slidy, I'm glad rhetoric has its place, but who is he? lol. Yes I did like the article, thanks.   I should have said CAR dealers not M/C dealers.                                                                                                                                                                                     
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I just read this as "Flirting is good for the enviroment". Well it is certainly good for the soul, when i've had a few.........                                                                                                                                                                             
Gloom's Profile

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I have actually seen drivers move several feet into the middle of the road to block bikes passing. I put it down to them being sad sods with inverted wedding tackle.                                                                                                                                                                                 
suzyamki's Profile

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Last week I was riding with a group of ladies waiting for one of them to arrive when we discovered that she had been filtering between the lines of traffic when a motorist pulled into her way  deliberately, knocking her off her bike and when she picked herself up SHRUGGED at her through the window.... she couldn't do anything as she was riding alone and was vulnerable. No other motorists except another motorcyclist stopped to help her. Luckily no damage was done to her and her bike suffered just a broken clutch lever.    
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Angry Did she get their reg no. ?
Riggy66's Profile

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Suzy - am afraid that if that happened to me I'd be needing a new lid for the amount of damage I'd cause using it on said car windows, mirror and a few panels.

I am sad to say that I have had to glare at, or verbally threaten more than one motorist but usually (oddly enough) they back off a bit when they realise it's a woman they're dealing with. So - did they want a fight, or not? Just goes to show how small-minded they all are Unhappy                                                                                                                                                                             
Karey's Profile

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Great find Slidy and great that The Telegraph has highlighted it.  It would be even better if they made a prime-time documentary about thisThumbs Up   I was recently on a pilly with Geoff and we were filtering, when a police car sat in traffic suddenly decided to do a U-turn without indicating or obvioulsy checking his mirrors or putting his blues on, so I guess it was a case of 'I'm not sitting in this'  rather than an emergency!!Angry    Thankfully Geoff managed to avoid him, but it just goes to show what us bikers are up against. Unhappy   I've also put this article on my FB page.Thumbs Up                                                                                                                                                                               

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