Disappearing Threads, where do they go?

57 Posts | Latest reply on 11/05/2012 09:04:27 by jinx57 | Go to original / last post
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As a self confessed and well proven luddite I have found myself further bewildered!Shocked

Though I am a fairly new to this t'interweb social thingy shenanigans I have noticed the odd Thread vanish into the ether without apparent cause!ShockedShocked

I thought it might be due to inappropriate offensiveness or illegality but having noticed a recent Thread has gone (which, to my mind, was rather fun and in no way either offensive or illegal) I am confused regarding consistency in the removal of Threads.Confused

It appears that general Threads containing posts of casual "humorous" sexism, "humorous" homophobia or above the norm vitriol can stay accessible but others are removed without apparent reason. As can Threads that ramble on and on for ever (not unlike myself!) about nothing related to the initial post and subsequently "bump off" other Threads. Threads sometimes will digress that is expected but sometimes posting can be banality beyond belief or far more suited to PMs. Ermm

As this is an adult site for folk who are all growed up, it just seems rather contradictory.Geek

I may not agree with someone else's opinion but I accept it is as valid as my own, even if it offends me. The only time I would complain was if a point was unnecessarily hateful, vitriolic or obviously just insulting or a direct attack. Cry

So where do these poor innocent culled Threads go and who sends them there? Who decides who lives and dies and why is the criteria apparently inconsistent?Dead

I hope I haven't offended anyone but my enquiring mind needs sating! Wacko

If I have offended anyone: Thank you for your understanding and appreciation of another person's perspective.Disapprove

Terminator12's Profile

In: burford
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i will respond quickly, before this thread is deleted for daring to ask a question!

for reply, see matts rant in the "how do i delete my account" which was unlocked so he could post & then locked again - i wonder if he can turn water into wine too??

a difference of opinion does not constitute moaning, provided it is done in an eloquent, intelligent and constructive way - as both LMF & I-Ronnie  have done!
Ironically, you will be unable to see the latters due to the thread being deleted!!

LMF has organised an event (attended by some mods) and has also encouraged younger members to get involved more in the site- which was applauded by Matt with comment along the line of "i should've thought about doing something like this sooner" so to now accuse her of being a trouble causer and dragging the site down is contradictory in the extreme.

the last post i can recall seeing from I-Ronnie referred to a prediction from sid the squid (cousin of paul the octopus) that site harmony would be resumed and Brummie Jackie et, who were previously unhappy about who knows what (cause the thread was deleted!!) would resume as full members and event organisers-i dont see how this can be deemed constantly causing trouble!

I dont even know why i am bothering to post this as it will disappear before your very eyes!!!!!
baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!! xxxx                                                                                                                                                                             
jinx57's Profile

In: Leonard Stanley
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i'm weaving them, together with some tummy button lint, and cat hair ,to make a jolly snug pair of slippers for the winter.us old folk seem to have thinner blood these days,i blame the government....when i were a lad...........................!!                                                                                                                                                                             
Matt's Profile

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Squiddy... forum topics are deleted for many reasons. However, we normally LOCK them now rather than delete them.  If they are deleted then it's probably because it was a duplicate or contained information not allowed per the terms and conditions of the site.

Only moderators can delete topics and sometimes we even do so when asked by the original poster to delete it.

If a rule was broken then the person who started the topic will receive a PM from a moderator explaining why it was deleted.

Also... a lot of topics are RENAMED, so you might find that the topic exists under a different name.

Same thing with MOVING topics... if you post a joke in the General Chat forum it will be moved to the Jokes forum.  If you then look for it in the general chat forum you might incorrectly think we've deleted it.

The only topic I can think of which was deleted today was a duplicate topic about deleting your account. I PMd KayCat explaining why the topic was deleted (it was a duplicate) and gave an answer to her question (you can delete your account following steps on the Help page).

If you're referring to another topic then please email the moderator team via the contact page to ask why it was removed.

Terminator12... I'm not accusing LMF of being a trouble causer, I simply said that if anyone has a problem with the website then they should contact ME directly before ranting about it in the forums.  Ranting in the forums (Like you've just done) makes new members think the site isn't worth bothering with. Hence you simply damage the site and lose out on new members.  If you're here for dating then I'd assume you want MORE members to join, so why put them off ranting in the forums?

And YES there's a big difference between constantly moaning/ranting in the forums about censorship/deletion of content etc and someone genuinely asking a decent question and/or making a site suggestion (which are ALWAYS welcomed and acted upon)
And as a relatively new member of the site with only 2 previous forum posts, not been to any events, no photo online... I'm very suspicious about your negative attitude towards the site.  Wouldn't be surprised if you're a disgruntled ex member of the website here to cause trouble yourself.
Matt's Profile

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Squiddy... i forgot to add.  If someone deletes their account then all their forum topics and posts will be deleted also!  So if you find that suddenly a dozen topics vanish then you can expect to be missing a popular member from the site.

For example, Fraglette recently left the site and this took a lot of her old topics and posts with her.  We didn't delete them, censor anything, become evil dictators or anything else some members of the site will lead you to believe we are.                                                                                                                                                                             
Terminator12's Profile

In: burford
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Kaycates deleted thread started with a post that said "thank you for proving my point simon" and then had subsequent NEW comments, so was not a duplicate post by any stretch of any imagination.

the comments made by matt to LMF included "go, or stop moaning". I havent seen her moan at all - merely express a valid opinion, without being aggressive or abusive or attempting to personally attack or belittle anyone. Why is expression of opinion considered to be moaning, just because it may differ with yours or one of the other moderators?

I-ronnie was accused of negative posting "all the damn time" - where exactly are all these negative posts??

just because you say something often enough doesn't make it so - especially when what you are saying is littered with contradictions and misrepresentation of the facts

feistygirl's Profile

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oh FFS  here we go again Thumbs Down
Matt's Profile

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Yep here we go again  Thumbs Down

I might set up a new website - BikerMoans.co.uk and move half of the database over there.  LOL

I always act on good suggestions and implement new features when asked for (like the ability to move profile photos today, suggested by LMF).

However, I don't like it when people post in the forums questioning why things are deleted, people are banned, etc etc.

If you don't like how BM is run, either provide constructive criticism and suggestions or leave the site.  Simple.                                                                                                                                                                             
Gloom's Profile

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Must say I was surprised to see Kaycat's thread disappear right after I posted in it. I can understand topics being closed and posts deleted when they turn into personal attacks but as I said in that thread Argument and heated debate are what democracy is about. I may not share a persons views and beliefs but I'll shout loudly if any one tries to stop them having their say.
So please don't just disappear stuff. If it is critical of stuff on this site stop and ask if perhaps the person has any merit in their argument.

An edit button to allow people to rephrase their post might be a good idea. Many people would perhaps like to be able to change the way they have phrased things when they look at it in the cold light of day.

Yes I know it's there when you first post but it disappears if you leave the thread and then come back to it.
Matt's Profile

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JUST AS I SUSPECTED...... Terminator12 is a deleted member by the previous name of Mandy.Original1

Now, as always, still a shit stirrer.

Mandy - if you continue to create accounts on BM when you've been told not to I will take legal action against you for harassment.  You're only here to try and damage the website.  Get a life!                                                                                                                                                                              
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Thank you everyone for your replies. I understand things a bit better! Thumbs Up

A little more intense than I anticipated but a genuine "Thank you" for taking the time to respond.

Matt; the Thread wasn't the one you mentioned and I still can't hunt it down but given the apparently high emotions around today I'm sure I'll survive without it! Embarrassed

I'm still a bit confused but about a couple of things but I'll leave it for now, life's far too short!Confused

Peace, Love and free Milky Bars all roundHug

Oh and Jinx can you knit me a pair of mittens if you've got any belly button fluff left!Cool

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Funny thing is everyone "EXCEPT" for Kaycat seems to be going on about this deleted thread. Wacko

Have some people nowt better to do than winge and whine or try to disrupt a harmonious site. I'll leave anyone to decide whether any of you fit into any of those two categories or whether, like me, you just want to get on with enjoying the positives the site gives us. Thumbs Up                                                                                                                                                                             
jinx57's Profile

In: Leonard Stanley
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squiddy , i've got the fluff,now how many fingers you got(just 2-weird) x                                                                                                                                                                             
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Nice one, I've 2 fingers on one and 3 on t'other. Can you knit little flaps so I can still poke a finger out to pick my nose?
Truly you are the KnitmeisterThumbs Up                                                                                                                                                                             
feistygirl's Profile

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Squiddy and Jinx in a room with fluff..... ooooeerrr LOL                                                                                                                                                                             
jinx57's Profile

In: Leonard Stanley
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just blue tummy fluff nowt kinky,mind!!                                                                                                                                                                             
Matt's Profile

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Squiddy... drop me a PM bud with all your questions / concerns / suggestions etc or an email via the contact page.

I reply to every email (as long as the info isn't on the Help page already!) so nobody can ever say they "tried" to contact me but got no response.  And I normally reply within 24 hours, even at weekend.

If anyone makes a site suggestion (like suggest a new section for the site) I will consider it and always implement it if it's feasible.  However, if your suggestion is rejected for whatever reasons please don't be offended.

BM isn't facebook - people here do have a voice and I will always act on anything constructive said to me.                                                                                                                                                                             
bomb doctor's Profile
bomb doctor

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It seems it was my thread entitled 'Squires Mar 2013' in Events Forum that has been deleted for unknown reasons, that Squiddy is referring to.   And before anyone thinks I'm jumping on the band wagon, I am not!! Also I am not ranting, raving or moaning. I am quite calm and collected and still in my mellow frame of mind.   But why was it deleted? Yes it was an event but in a light hearted way to mock people who post events sooooooooooo early and sometimes irrelavantly.(I wasn't being malicous in any way as that is not in my nature).   The unnecessary posting in this manner meant/means that events that were/are imminent were/are being bumped way down the pecking order. This I find/found frustrating and could potentially be missed by members who don't expect to trawl pages and pages of events that are months in advance to find the relevant thread for an event that is forthcoming.   Suggestion time: Would it be possible to link threads in the event forum with the event page???   May I add that I have not recieved any notification of said deletion and like Squiddy cannot locate the thread.Confused Confused now because of what has previously been posted Confused.                                                                                                                                                                             
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It comes to something when two men of the world can't discuss knitwear without innuendo raising its smutty little head.........though it has to be said Jinx (or Hot Needles as he is known on the International Belly Button Fluff Knitting Circuit) is a fine figure of a chap and my god the guy can knit!Shocked                                                                                                                                                                              
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It was indeed Bomb's Squires 2013 Thread to which I was referring.
I just wanted to add something that I thought would be a giggle but the moment has kind of gone now! As I fully appreciated the sentiment of the thread and thought it was funny, I just wondered where it had gone and why?Embarrassed

Having now read other posts it appears my timing wasn't the best but hey, that's the beauty of hindsight.Stern Smile

I've no suggestions as I don't know about IT stuff and just wanted a little clarity. No whinging or criticism just basic clarity/queries to resolve my befuddlement over my observations. However I didn't PM anyone as I thought the best way to get a quick response was on the forum. 

Now to more important things; Blue is fine Jinx my good fellow they'll match my varicose veins!Cool They will be stain resistant won't they?.....no reason in particular that I'm asking!Embarrassed



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