Wow I have read some of the threads today and lets just leave it at that statement.
Firstly Matt, I had no idea that u are recovering from a spinal operation and that u are dedicated enough to even attempt to just read the pm's let alone do any coding changes. Hats off and deep respect for you, and a little concern as well if i'm honest. Please don't risk jeopardising ur recovery.. Gentle hug and enuf said.
Secondly, wow, i feel really bad at getting upset over some access issues on chat.. I'm not going to fan any flames of threads by going into the issue there. I am now less sensitive about the issue and people have stopped reminding me about it.. So my humble appologies as a newbie who did not know how to contact the mods or who they were. I now know how to find that information out and will address any suggestions or problems via that route..
I also want to say that the gentle way that I was given advice to contact a mod if the problem continued, was nothing short of an excellent and very professional way of letting me know who to talk to and I have to say thanks for that standard of care, I applaud u all.
I do love the positive threads on here as we all have bad times and I go on there to cheer myself up sometimes.. That can be soo beneficial. I woud love to see more of those types of threads as a newbie.
I am happy to pay the very reasonable fees for a site that offers so much more than others. Its a much more complex site than a normal and expensive dating site, and without it, I wouldn't have my newbie rally to attend.
I would never have known about it. So massive appreciation for that.
Thank you to all the staff that help this site work and i am eternally greatful to you all. Ur unwavering determination to keep this site current and relaxing are truly noted and appreciated. Ur request a lift function on the events site is soo invaluable to a newbie saving for a bike again after years like me.
Lastly to Lulu, as a relatively new member on here myself, thank you for starting this post as it has been a breath of fresh air and a real eye opener to a simple soul as myself..