You can add favourite members to your profile either by looking at their post in the forum and clicking on the +Favourite icon
by going to the person's profile and clicking on the same icon.
Try it with mine.
To remove a favourite just hit the 'remove' icon on your favourites page, on your profile.
Just tried that, does that mean you are now my favourite Sandi
Mmmm that's an idea, how's about being able to see who's added you to their favourites!
Only joking Matt, it might spook some folk out knowing strangers are adding them as a fav!!!
David, I am if you've added me and not removed me.
BB PML I asked for a *friends page, like on facebook. Perhaps change name of 'favourites' to 'friends', but folk were dead against a friends page. Maybe it's cos it was ME who asked. lol it was a daft idea anyway.
*Strangers, or anyone else, wouldn't be able to add friends, it would have been a request feature, like face book, where you get to accept or not.
Refreshing this for those who don't know how to add a favourite.
Once you have added someone to your favourites list when they add themselves to an event, on the calendar, they will show up in numbers.
For example (20 /1) the first number is how many members are attending, the second number shows how many of your friends/favourites are attending that event.